March 05, 2006
Make your opinion known
Ten Tips for writing a good blog post:
1. Make your opinion known
2. Link like crazy
3. Write less
4. 250 Words is enough
5. Make Headlines snappy
6. Write with passion
7. Include Bullet point lists
8. Edit your post
9. Makeyour posts easy to scan
10. Be consistent with your style
11. Litter the post with keywords
Also, a list of Vietnam blogs
Illustrators, photographers, those in advertising and marketing, and other Designers who Blog
Kevin is quitting blogging on ‘Catch’. Sorry to see him go
From The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, a story of what would happen to bloggers if the internet went belly up. Also, a site that tries to mathematically determines how much Cory Doctorow sucks
Ultimate Blogger 2 - An Internet Cage Match!
More About bloggers and blogging Here
March 5, 2006 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
January 08, 2006
Weblog of the year
A request to all readers: If you enjoy coming here every day and reading the excellent links, please go to the 2006 Webblies page & vote for this blog as the "Weblog of the year" (At the bottom of the page). The URL to use is Grow-a-brain. If I win the big prize, I'll split it with you. Thank you.
8 copyright myths held by bloggers. 1. It's okay to use anything that doesn't have a copyright notice. (From Dain Charbonneau’s Central Florida real estate blog)
43 Top Web Hits from across the blogosphere. Hits titles include:
Is Anyone Reading This? (0 comments)
Why I love my cat
Sorry (Been a bit busy)
Who Likes Cheese? (I do! I do too!)
Blogging styles and traffic stats, from “Mister Snitch” - Blogging resembles investment in that the blogger invests time and energy in hopes of a return. Bloggers' return on investment is readers. Like most investors, most bloggers go belly-up. Here are the blogger types, as we see them, compared with different investment styles
Invitation to a Blogging: How do you blog? Asked by Frank Paynter
18 Lessons about Blogging by Darren Rowse. (Also, 7 Ways to Get to the Top of the Popular Page)
Myspace Deaths - entries about people, usually teenagers and college age kids, who died and had MySpace profiles or LiveJournals
I am back home after my wonderful time in New Zealand. It will probably take me a few weeks to sort all impressions from the trip into a neat package. Meanwhile you may look at some pictures from the south island on the other blog…
Update: Edward Champion calls the Bloggies crap, and explains why.
Graphic above from Leia Scofield. More About bloggers and blogging Here
January 8, 2006 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
November 18, 2005
Cyber stalkers
Allan Lööf, 93 - Sveriges oldest blogger?. (From Dave Winer, who was born on my 2nd birthday)
Six Figure Blogging! Ten! Thousand! Dollars! A Month! How to make $10,000 a month blogging – Yea, Baby
Steve Rubel’s Ten Blogging Hacks
Broads on Blogs. Is the blogosphere still a man's world?
Is Russell Beattie Yahoo’s most incompetent employee? This is what Jacek Rutkowski really, really wants to know. If you really, really, really dislike Russell Beattie, that is definitely the site for you!
More About bloggers and blogging Here
November 18, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 05, 2005
Blogging Bubble
”Dooced” Heather Armstrong interviewed. Part of Rebecca Blood’s “bloggers on blogging”
How To Sell A Website - How Much Is Your Website Worth? It is a joyous time when you are ready to sell your website. While you will be fraught with questions and unknown variables when ultimately you decide to sell your website it can be like winning a jackpot and a big change to your life. You might have been building your web business for years, consistently working on it day after day and night after night. When it finally sells you get a (hopefully) big cash injection and move on to new projects feeling renewed and excited about your future prospects. But before this can happen you have to make the sale, which in and of itself is a tricky task
The Influentials: One American in Ten Tells the Other Nine How to Vote, Where to Eat, and What to Buy. Bloggers and Influentials
How Arianna Huffington successfully launched The Huffington Post as a liberal alternative to the Drudge Report
How many professional bloggers who get paid to blog fulltime are there? (Excluding political or corporate employees working in marketing, who simply changed their job description). How much can one make? (From my Metafilter postings. Also, an Analysis of a community weblog. pdf)
Musselsoppans Vänner, Martin Klasch’s new graphic blog
More About bloggers and blogging Here
October 5, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
September 06, 2005
Blogger’s early warning
'Weather nerd' in Indiana warned New Orleans mayor on Aug. 26
Mississippi House before & after. (From the new flickr blog)
Kevin Spenst’s Fast Fictions – Email him a photo, illustration or painting, and he (may) turn it into a mini story
Shitty Blogs features reviews of blogs that are really boring, stupid, or ugly
7 Mistakes for your First Week Blogging
More About How Blogs Change Communication Here
September 6, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 13, 2005
Blog Day 2005
Anil Dash writes: Hello, PR Peoples. Don't Be a Bad Pitcher. “Like a lot of bloggers, I get pitched from time to time by people who want me to talk about their products. It's been a few years since I've covered this topic, so clearly it's time for a review”…
David Adams gives a good example of how to do it: “Dear Annie Dish, We'd like you to review our product!”
“No, I'm not keeping up with your blog; I would like to. I really would. I like it and I like you. But we're now well past the point where we can keep up with all the blogs worth reading from the people worth keeping up with. I just can't do it any more…” (Unfortunately, D. Weinberger's original Joho The Blog posting is no longer)
Bloggers Need Not Apply. What is it with job seekers who also write blogs?
“If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide” - Maddox’s rant on the latest blogging craze
Blog Day 2005. In one long moment In August 31st 2005,every blogger from all over the world will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. (But some people disagree: Blog Day is for Losers, because bloggers are not that important
The Strange World of Blogspot Spam Blogs
By the way, all systems are currently "go" for the transmission of 2,049,215 ads designated for deep space by craigslist users, in conjunction with the launch of the space shuttle Discovery at Cape Canaveral, currently scheduled for 3:51pm EST
Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
July 13, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 18, 2005
Blogging every day?
Why Daily Blogging Usually Is a Bad Idea by Amy Gahran, and Why Daily Blogging Is a Good Idea . (From ”Bibi’s Box”)
The World's Most Authoritative Guide to Hong Kong Blogs
Lifecycles of bloggers, by Min Jung Kim
EPIDEMIca, a special coverage of bird flu blog. The current outbreak in Thailand, Vietnam and China of bird flu could be the start of a global pandemic of the flu. All public-health officials believe that the world is overdue for a pandemic, like those that killed millions of people in 1918 and 1967
Blogging Anonymously. The unknown waiter behind the blog Waiter Rant shares tips on how to keep your identity a secret online
Advertising, editorial lines blur as bloggers' salaries tied to traffic
ProBlogger, helping bloggers earn money
(.gif above from ”Sciatica”.) Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
June 18, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
May 28, 2005
Cat blogging
Ed Weiland’s blog. Ed Weiland is 81 years old, and he is one of five bloggers born in the 1920’s on “The Ageless Project”
How To Get Slashdotted. When people talk about getting slashdotted, a feature article on the homepage is what comes to mind
How long has the cat had its own blog?
The new, official blog, including Some noises we make while coding
A list of Dead bloggers of the LJ kind. (From Presurfer)
What blogs are and what they are not. Doc Searls' closing keynote at Les Blogs, Paris, 25 April 2005
Why is the One Man Safari blog so intriguing? Here’s an explanation: His fascination with the late-fifties
Tommy Lasorda has a blog
From Creating Passionate Users: Why you need to go to a skateboard shop: “If you're a programmer, attorney, teacher, chef, preacher, marketer, whatever - you can't ignore the crucial importance of design, especially today. And one of the best places to find it is the nearest skateboard shop
From Monopoly to Blogpoly, with links on each space
The most comprehensive list of audioblogs & MP3blogs available, from “The Tofu Hut”
Why bloggers don't need standards
Newsweek photo of Ben and Mena Trott, founders of Six Apart: Nice dress...
Blog Insults. “My blog is like Martha Stewart during her trial for securities fraud: no comments”
Graphic above from ”Moo Alex”. Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
May 28, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack
April 26, 2005
Blogging full-time
In response to Jason Kottke asking for micropatrons who will support him becoming a full-time blogger, ”Idlewords” decided to look for a Macropatron, asking one of his regular readers to contribute the lump sum of three hundred thousand (300,000) US dollars to enable him to quit his job too
Seth Godin about The Long Tail effect; In order to become a popular (successful) blog, it doesn’t matter who you know, like in the old day. Working your way up requires only a few things: Persistence, patience and low overhead.
Part one: Give people 1,000 channels to watch, and they won't all watch the same thing. Give people 1,000,000 books to read, and they won't all want to read a bestseller
The original Wired article article ‘The Long Tail’ - How to find local audiences, and the democratization effect of Amazon recommendations
Five terrible fake LiveJournal memes:
2. If I were a piece of food caught in your teeth, would you pick me out? What kind of food would I be? Would I be delicious even after I’d been trapped between your molars since lunch?
Coming May 9th: Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington is set to launch an interactive, Celebrity Blog, to counter The Drudge Retort
Blogs 101 for businesses, from BusinessWeek Online. "Blogs Will Change Your Business"
Blogging Is Pure Vanity: Profile Of A Vain Blogger
Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
April 26, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 17, 2005
Why I'm unsubscribing from your blog:
I'm looking for your insights into programming, not how your freakin travel plans are working out. Granted it's your right to post whatever you want - I'm certainly not trying to tell you what to post. But I suspect that if you want to keep your readers you'll cut back on the crap about your personal life. I suggest you take a lesson from Chris Brumme - that is truly a worthwhile blog. Just an FYI.
Regards, Saul K.”
Among the first reported cases of Blog stalking. And the story gets legs
2005 Catholic Blog Awards
Of historical interest: 658 weblog-related resources, from “Larkfarm” – Not maintained since July 2002. Found on Anil Dash’s article The Blog Cycle
Tips from The Electronic Frontier Foundation: How to blog anonymously. The best way to blog and still preserve some privacy is to do it anonymously. But being anonymous isn't as easy as you might think.
Animation above by Dutch mathematician Rinus Roelofs. Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
April 17, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 24, 2005
Earn Money Blogging!
How do you drive traffic to your blog? How do you get your blog to that level of popularity at which it can begin generating income? (Answer at “Why God Why?”)
”I’ve started blogging” from “Gaping Void”
On the other end (Or 4-5 months later, usually): Over 2,720,000 Google results for “Sorry, I haven't posted in a while” , with an explanation from ”Cynical-C”
More garden blogs than you have time to shake a rake at. (From “Subterranean Homepage News”)
Hedgical Trevor, the Hedgehog Blog
Jan's electromagnetic system (surveillance). “DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS SYSTEM IS? It is a system that has capabilities like you can't imagine.THEY CALL IT NON-LETHAL.It is being used on Americans in the U.S. daily… Write your Senator and complain. YOU COULD BE NEXT!”
The Synchronicity of Indeterminacy is an experiment in creativity with daily posts of a found photo and an original one-minute short story inspired by the found photo. All stories are fictional. The idea is based on the Indeterminacy recordings by John Cage, pairing one-minute short stories with random sounds
The blogging process by Dave Pollard. A pretentious and presumptuous attempt to document what bloggers have learned, without any formal instruction, to do every day
Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
March 24, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 22, 2005
Free Arash Sigarchi and Mojtaba Saminejad
I like this “cash for comment” appeal that Australian blogger John Quiggin developed, and I am thinking of using it here. Let’s see if I can get some suggestions of charities I could use it for. If enough of you respond, I’ll do it.
Gas Station Website. Why do gas station's need websites? Because they're hilariously awful: A blog documenting the bad websites that gas stations have.
10 things I believe bloggers do wrong, by R. Alex Whitlock: “Only link to what we’ve already read and only say what we’ve already heard”. Amen.
I'll take Blogs for $400, Alex: Jeopardy category: Blogs (now with audio)
Titles of blog entries I’ve decided not to write. (I like the last one)
Improbable Research, Marc Abrahams’s blog. Marc is editor of the magazine Annals of Improbable Research, and founder of the Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony
Bicycle Blogs. A directory of blogs, about bikes, by cyclists
Tulsa blogger Michael Bates is being asked to stop quoting and reproducing articles from a local Tulsa newspaper
Iranian blogs call today for "Free Mojtaba and Arash Day"
“Bloggers at the gate” cartoon above by Pat Oliphant. Many More Unusual Blogging News Here
February 22, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
January 24, 2005
And the Winner of the 2004 Sack of Jawea Blog Award -
Jay Niemann’s Give, Get ,Take, Have is the hands-down winner of the “First Annual (2004) Sack of Jawea Blog Award” that The Corpuscle decided to give. What a nice gesture. Congratulations to the single participant
Lots of ‘Best’ lists pop up. Here’s The Best Arab Blogs Awards
Norman Geras of “Normblog” Interviews bloggers, and includes this profile of Saddam Hussein
Scott Rosenberg disagrees that if “you link it, you own it”. I concur: Even when I link to weird sites, like The American Nazi Party, I don’t own them. This is not like invading Iraq.
Blog Television: Stop Reading and Start Watching
Shannon's blog tells all about her romantic search
A large list of medical blogs, divided by categories: Physicians, nurses, patients, geeks
Why should Venture Capitalists blog?
I started working out again, finally, and I also discovered a list of Running blogs
List of Companies that have fired people for blogging and The new “International Bloggers’ Bill of Rights”
Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is Dennis Fox's Weblog, Political and Personal Observations. If you wish to have your blog considered as “Blog Of The Day”, or if you know of a blog that should get same recognition, please email me at realhanan (at) yahoo (dot) com, or post a comment at the bottom of this post.
Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
January 24, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
December 27, 2004
Early blogs
A different way to discover blogs and rich designs ... Blogs tell their stories with pictures - Thousands of blogs are mixing their colors on the kaleibloscope paintings
Jesse James Garrett’s list of some of the early blogs. The page was last updated on 12 Oct 2000 - in other words, a very long time ago. (From Rebecca Blood’s weblogs: a history and perspective, written in september 2000). Many of the “old-timers” are pretty much cliquey and deal only with bloggers who’d been online five years or longer.
Darren Barefoot offered his blogging services on eBay
M-C Turgeon’s 10 reasons why blogging is good for you
Top 10 words of 2004
Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
December 27, 2004 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
November 22, 2004
How to blog
How to blog by Tony Pierce;
1. write every day.
2. if you think youre a good writer, write twice a day.
The String Coffee Table - When advanced theoretical physicists blog . Also, a long list of Professors Who Blog
"OH Sh*t, I DELETED MY BLOG" A sad and funny video of me dealing with the loss of my TypePad blog. (Long load, worth the wait). From same documentary: Horrible production values of the Bloggies award show 2003. Features a bunch of bloggers. No Oscars to that award show! At the same time, the 2004 Webbies Nominations are being picked up right now. So, please vote Grow-a-brain as the bestest blog in the world!
OK, this is a fun meme: Type each single letter of the alphabet in the address bar of your browser and list what the auto-complete function pulls up first…
“The elite company of five-year-old or older blogs are some of the best.” (From Kiplog)
Otto Stalks Andy (Waxy), and other “A-bloggers”
Three Bits o Trivia. A blog displaying 21 Facts Per Week. Today’s one of 3: “A whiskey may only be legally described as Scotch if it is at least 80 proof and it has matured in an oak cask in Scotland for at least three years”. OK
New, tentative postings by Jorn Barger…
Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is Chuck Taggart's “Looka”, about (mostly) Cajun cocktails, food, music. If you wish to have your blog considered as “Blog Of The Day”, or if you know of a blog that should get same recognition, please email me at realhanan (at) yahoo (dot) com, or post a comment at the bottom of this post.
Many more Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here
November 22, 2004 in World of Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack