November 26, 2008
Shock & Awe
An Iraqi family’s meal is interrupted by the sounds of incoming missiles. They share a surprisingly intimate moment as they wait uncertainly under the dining room table.
A short film, written and directed by Chase Palmer. (From TickleBooth)
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November 26, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 01, 2008
The 3 Trillion Dollar War
The Hidden Cost of The Iraq War by Volume One
- - - - - - - -
Michael Yon’s Afghanistan Diary
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November 1, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 09, 2008
A Glossary of Iraq Euphemisms
Imagine you walk into an auto body shop where you left your car for a tune-up. You ask the man at the counter: When can I pick up my car? "Well," he replies, "I think that's a question best left to the discretion of the mechanics in the shop, don't you? After all, they're the ones hard at work fixing your car."
Wait, you say. Are you telling me you don't know when my car will be ready? I need to drive to -- "What I've always said," he interrupts, "is that setting an arbitrary deadline from the counter of this auto-body shop is the surest guarantee that your car will break down as soon as you drive it out of the shop. That won't just be a disaster for you, it will disrespect all the hard work the mechanics have been doing on your car."
You rub the bridge of your nose and ask: Can you even say how much this is going to cost me? "We think it's important to support our mechanics to the fullest. It would be irresponsible to speculate on the full price, since that's up to them, really, but having had a look at your finances, we're confident you can afford the total cost."
Also, 20 things I’ve stolen
(gif above from Phawker)
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August 9, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 10, 2008
How do you get to 100 years in Iraq?
Six months at a time.
“Endless war on the installment plan” from Move-On
The torture memo, signed (PDF)
One of the regrettable byproducts of the YouTube election is grownups exploiting little kids for political gain and subjecting us to it
Ohhh-Bama Classic Thong - made in the USA
Grow-a-brain, the no. 1 Google result for Condoleezza Rice for vice-president...
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April 10, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 19, 2008
War crimes
Read the first few pages of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict", before you buy, and weep. Criticism, anybody?
"Dear Sir" - A letter to the draft board
How's my favorite little Jew today?
Bankrupting Daddy's piggy bank. (From Bart Cop)
The Reporting Team That Got Iraq Right
Alfred E. Neuman stands by his president
War crimes. (Warning! Graphic photos)
(I'm afraid that something bad might be happening in the future, regarding the war)
All New – Featuring the personal websites of Grow-a-brain’s readers! Today – Brian Kane Online. Submit yours for consideration.
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March 19, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 01, 2008
Iraqi Weather
Re-post: How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish
How Can We Make The War In Iraq More Eco-Friendly
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March 1, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 13, 2008
Life goes on in Sadr City
Poverty in Sadr City (YT). What were those people doing 6 years ago? What did their town look like then?
"We think Ambassador Crocker and his team are doing a very good job under extremely challenging circumstances. We have great confidence in their ability to carry out their mission". Departure Assessment of Embassy Baghdad
“My cousin was in war but he got hurt. Now he has a big beard and drinks beer all day long. My mom says he should get a job.” From Wisdom from the Home front, Letters to soldiers from children
(Click on pix above to bigify)
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February 13, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 09, 2008
“A year from now, I'll be very surprised if there is not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush”
A series of images from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, narrated by the photographer Louie Palu
What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my phone bill?
In The Know: New Iraqi Law Requires Waiting Period For Suicide Vest Purchases
Re-post: Ashley Gilbertson’s Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Why the American Century will die in Iraq, by Bernard Chazelle
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February 9, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 09, 2008
Paying the price for a photo
The Doctor's Dilemma, a new installation by Jon Haddock
The story of AP photographer Bilal Hussein, accused of terrorism
The phrase Verschaerfte Vernehmung is German for "enhanced interrogation". Other translations include "intensified interrogation" or "sharpened interrogation". It's a phrase that appears to have been concocted in 1937, to describe a form of torture that would leave no marks, and hence save the embarrassment pre-war Nazi officials were experiencing as their wounded torture victims ended up in court
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January 9, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
November 24, 2007
Great news from Anbar!
Aftermath of a car bomb on Google Maps
The Iraqi Challenge: Plans to withdraw troops from Iraq delayed until further notice
Iraq Hotel Reviews at J-Walk
The Top 100 private contractors in Iraq & Afghanistan
Afghan Massacre - the Convoy of Death
(Logo above from One Horse Shy)
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November 24, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
November 07, 2007
Total US facilities: About 100. Major U.S. installations in Iraq. (From a Mother Jones cover story “The Moral Dilemma of Leaving Iraq”)
Also there: Hillbilly Armor: improvised vehicle armor made from scrap metal and scrounged parts. Also known as "Frankenstein" in the Marine Corps. From Lexicon of Iraq War Lingo
Truck Blown To Bits somewhere in Iraq
Top 7 Ways of not Supporting the Troops. The number one way of not supporting the troops: Sending them to unnecessary wars
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November 7, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
October 15, 2007
Billions over Baghdad
Don't mind me... I’m just looking for a can opener
Who’s in charge of Blackwater USA?
Never coming home. (From Bag news notes)
An Oversimplified List of Options in Iraq
Between April 2003 and June 2004, $12 billion in U.S. currency—much of it belonging to the Iraqi people—was shipped from the Federal Reserve to Baghdad, where it was dispensed by the Coalition Provisional Authority. Some of the cash went to pay for projects and keep ministries afloat, but, incredibly, at least $9 billion has gone missing, unaccounted for, in a frenzy of mismanagement and greed. Billions over Baghdad
Bush's Top 10 Reasons for Bombing Iran
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October 15, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
September 20, 2007
The new Saddam
So you’re about to be invaded by the United States? Here are some tips on what to expect and what you might want to do to prepare for the aftermath of the initial assault. Advice to Iranians
Get Your Quagmire Accomplished Button Right Here
Welcome to the new US embassy - The largest Embassy built – roughly the size of Vatican City – and at $600 million the most expensive
What’s in that Iraq Report Petraeus Delivered
Breaking the Iraq stalemate: “…There is no way for Bush to get out of this self-created box -- except by ratcheting up tensions with Iran and Syria in the hopes of provoking an accidentally-on-purpose regional war that would serve as a do-over for his entire misguided Middle East adventure…”
(Photo above from How George Bush became the new Saddam)
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September 20, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
August 26, 2007
Sailboat fuel
Aerial Shot of al-Qataniyah Blast That Killed 400 People
Operation Iraqi Freedom was never a war against Saddam ¬Hussein. It was simply the redirection of a huge portion of the US treasury to the pockets of Big Business, conducted with the active support and full power of the federal government and almost completely unfettered by oversight of any kind whatsoever. The Great Iraq Swindle
A Boy and His Green Chick
Audios & videos of CNN international correspondent Michael Ware
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August 26, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 13, 2007
No End In Sight
Dick Cheney explains why toppling Hussein wouldn't be such a great idea
Unpublished photos from funerals of some of the 3689 dead soldiers
Charles Ferguson's No End In Sight
Ooops. Who was in charge of the operation to monitor the "missing weapons"?
Some cartoons on Last of Iraqis blog
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August 13, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack