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March 25, 2004

Some Projects that are currently making the rounds

75_anniversary__1 The Untitled Project is a series of photographs of urban settings accompanied by a graphical text layout. The photographs have been digitally stripped of all traces of textual information. The text pieces show the removed text in the approximate location and font as it was found in the photograph.

The Mayfly Project is based on the brief biography of a mayfly.

In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the discovery of penicillin -- a happy accident in which rogue mold grew in a forgotten Petri dish - the Royal Society of Chemistry has asked its most unhygienic stakeholders to send in photos of their most disgusting, molded-over coffee cups. Here is The Culture Competition Project

The Windscreen Gallery Project

The Happy Poster Project

The Perseus Digital Library is a digital library on ancient Greece

The Rest of our Projects are Here

March 25, 2004 in Projects | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 31, 2004

The 2003 Grow-a-Brain Eclectic Project Collection

Hippo_in_botttle__1 "365 Days" - one (usually obscure) mp3 recording every day

A still pose called a "Phoon"

Balloon hats. In 1996, Addi Somekh and Charlie Eckert began traveling to different places in the world to make balloon hats for people and take photos of them

Free Words is "a book which belongs to whoever finds it. 3000 copies have been placed on the shelves of bookstores and libraries creating an art situation that infiltrates public and commercial space. The books were simply placed on the shelf. They were clearly labled as free. What someone does when they come across them is up to them..." Similar to 1000 Journals - 12/10/03

"Hello, My Name is Scott"

Jen's Cloths - 10/18/03

Jump Book (From "Cipango") - 10/25/03

Kaeru in Japan - 11/27/03

MOOM - Museum of Online Museums, from "Coudal Partners"


Paperbag Head - 9/20/03

Paper folding by Paul Haeberli

"Passage of Times" projects: Jonathan Keller's 5 years of Daily photos, 25 years of The Brown sisters, more family albums ... Other such projects on Jonathan Keller's page . Diego Goldberg's "Arrow of Time" site has been upgraded by Kodak. Everyday a self-picture at 9:09AM. More: Wortel

Man_made_1 Picture Yourself

Project Chopsticks

Project Xanadu, The Original Hypertext Project, Founded 1960 - 12/9/03

The Bomb Project - Nuclear-related links, imagery and documentation

The Degree Confluence Project. The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location

The Web Fridge Project. "The good, the bad, the partially frozen."

The Google Ad-Words Happening: How to lose money with your art ?

The Knockoff Project - Album cover spoofs, goofs, tributes, send ups, near misses and coincedences

"The Mirror Project" - Adventures in reflective surfaces

The Numbered Shirt Project

The payphone project - stories, pictures, phone numbers and news from payphones and public telephony - 9/21/03

The Postcard Project

These belly buttons pictures were all taken on the streets of Brussels

Write 100 words, no more, no less, every day

Many More Unusual Projetcs Here

January 31, 2004 in Projects | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack