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March 08, 2007

3 more weeks

Obama_mccain_logo Ari Emanuel has three prediction: That before the end of Bush's term, Condoleezza Rice will be Vice-President and that it will happen within less than three weeks

The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde as recorded by Georgie Fame

"Letting 9/11 fall into the hands of the Democrats in 2008 would be nothing short of a national tragedy. Ever since 9/11 was founded that fateful day on 9/11, 9/11 has stood for one thing: 9/11." Giuliani To Run For President Of 9/11

The Presidential Candidates on Iraq

PollPub.com VoteWho will you vote for President in 2008
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Chris Dodd
John Edwards
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson
Tom Vilsack
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
George Pataki
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Tommy Tompson

View Results

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Extremely important Announcement from Dave Barry about his running for president of the United States

Al Neuharth’s mea culpa on Presidents Day

Negative information (“Oppo Research”) on all 2008 candidates

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March 8, 2007 in 2008 US Election, Polls | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

October 23, 2006

There but for the grace of God

10/24/06 update: It seems that both polls disappeared from the face of the earth. Too bad! There were about 300 surprising results last I looked.

The Cached version:

You stop your shiny car at a Freeway ramp. A disheveled, sickly-looking old man in a broken wheelchair holds a piece of cardboard in his lap and sadly looks you straight in the eye. Do you?

- Turn your gaze to the other side and wait for the light to change, as you discretely lock the car doors

- Mumble thru the rolled-up window that you are sorry

- Search for some coins inside the cup holder

- Give him a few dollars

- Say a little prayer as you drive away

- Curse a cruel God

- Swear at a heartless system that allows its weakest members to go hungry

- Hope that you will not end up on the same spot when you are his age

- Anything else?

/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// A Huge Depository of Other Things You Have To Decide About Here

October 23, 2006 in Polls | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack

August 20, 2006

First Poll

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August 20, 2006 in Polls, Website News | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack