February 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Peace
Happy Birthday Peace, where you can help to celebrate the birth and life of the peace symbol, which will be 50 years old in 2008. Create your own peace symbol and upload it to the online gallery
A Huge Depository of Links about Peace in The Middle East Here
February 10, 2008 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 25, 2007
One Voice
From One voice
Peacemaker video game
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February 25, 2007 in Middle East, Peace | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
December 09, 2006
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Good Bye dear John Lennon. What would you do today?
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December 9, 2006 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 03, 2006
Stop the war on Lotions
Swords Into Plowshares by artists Christopher Humes & Noah Scalin - Seed Guns For Sale. (From Organicopia)
Speak Up For Peace flickr pool
Peace Now or I’ll kill you. Also, Drop it Scumbag. (By Mr. Fish)
Another anti-war rally in Toronto: “Israel, Stop the bombing now!” And “My shampoo is innocent”
Nobel Peace Prize Winners since 1901. (Found among the many SF Heart Peace Links)
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September 3, 2006 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 02, 2006
A chance
Imagine this - Bush kills Lennon, with Animal on drums - The video.
Also, a remix of Bush singing Imagine and A Walk on the Wild Side. From the folks at The Party Party, who also did the Sunday Bloody Sunday
Re-post: John & Yoko Montreal Bed-in and singing Give Peace a Chance with Timothy Leary in the crowd
This afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago's south side, a Veterans Administration cop walked up to me and said, "OK, you've had your 15 minutes, it's time to go."
Combatants for Peace are a group of Israeli and Palestinian individuals who were actively involved in the cycle of violence in the middle east. The Israelis served as combat soldiers in the IDF and the Palestinians were involved in acts of violence in the name of Palestinian liberation. Now they fight for peace
(Circle Calligraphy above from Songwriting Works). Many More Unusual Peace Links and War Links Here Digg this post /// Add it to your del.icio.us
July 2, 2006 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 09, 2005
Drop Names, Not Bombs
Gandhi's 11 Vows: Truth, Non Stealing, Self Discipline, Non-Possession, Bread Labor, Control of the Palate, Fearlessness, Equality of All Religions, Use Locally Made Goods, Remove Untouchability. (From The Gandhi Museum and Library)
A Grand Adventure except That it isn't. A friend recently asked me what I would tell a young man thinking about enlisting in the military. (He had in mind his son.) I would tell him this, which I wish someone had told me: Kid, you are being suckered. You are being used. You need to think carefully before signing that enlistment contract
A history of the CND logo. One of the most widely known symbols in the world, in Britain it is recognised as standing for nuclear disarmament – and in particular as the logo of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). In the United States and much of the rest of the world it is known more broadly as the peace symbol
From “Design Boom”: The origin and the ideas behind other Peace Symbols.
Baby Peace, Randal Kleiser's 35 year old antiwar PSA. (From ”Boing Boing”)
10,000 kites for kids in The Middle East
Many More Unusual Links About Peace and About War Here
October 9, 2005 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
January 28, 2005
Hello Peace
What is Hello Peace? A phone service that lets Israelis and Palestinians start talking again. From Israel, Gaza or the West Bank? Dial *6364 free from Bezeq or mobile phones. From the USA? Now your call can make a difference
John WorldPeace Galleries
"Peace bombs": The Thai government has dropped an estimated one hundred million paper origami birds in an unusual peace bid
Peace Art Project Cambodia sculptures & furnitures made from de-commissioned weapons in Cambodia. (From “Left Edge North”)
Boy O Boy sings “Weapons of mass effection”: Put down you’re A-K, and drop your bazooka -
50 ways to build world peace
Find Peace of Mind: A site created by Kadampa Buddhists to provide information about meditation techniques
Everything you need to know about nuclear age history
Many More Unusual Links About Peace and About War Here
January 28, 2005 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
September 26, 2004
“Dead Soldiers for Peace”
A million candles for children
Blues for Peace - Isn't it time people stopped fighting and learned to play 12 bar shuffles instead?
Sculpture of Origami Peace Dove by Livio De Marchi
Stanislav Petrov: You probably never heard of him. He may have saved the human race from extinction. Petrov (born c. 1939) is a retired Russian Army Colonel who refused to launch Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles on September 26, 1983, despite computer indications that missiles had already been launched at the USSR from the United States
Peace Not War Images. (From “Little Ray of Sunshine”)
I am on vacation and will be away for a few weeks. This post has been pre-blogged for your enjoyment. Any complains will have to wait until my return. Many More Unusual Links About Peace and About War Here
September 26, 2004 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
July 28, 2004
Peace is made by people
Peace symbols - the origin and the ideas behind the symbols. (From the local “Airbag”). Also, the worlds largest peace sign collection. (From Country Joe McDonald )
“Worth 1000” treatment of War and Peace
Not on the subject, but I must post it today: Funny Straight Talk with Will Ferrell. (From some organization called ACT, America Coming Together)
Many More Unusual Links About Peace and About War Here
July 28, 2004 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 18, 2004
A Piece on Peace by Guest Blogger Mark Silverstein
Reading the article on where the Peace Movement is today moments after seeing the headline about the Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Al-Rantissi led me to ponder just what is peace? Is it the absence of war? Was Spaulding Gray at peace when he threw himself into the East River? Were Ghandi and King architects of peace with their non-violent movements before their violent assassinations? Are the hundreds of thousands who swim to our shores, steal across the desert under the stars, or hide in shipping containers thinking they will find peace in the land of milk and honey and Harlem, Watts, and Cabrini Green?
As a child of the fifties and sixties, growing up in the shadow of Viet Nam, my reality was a sign made with your index and middle fingers. Many pointed out it was the reverse of Churchill’s victory sign. No matter what symbol you choose: the two fingers, the one that resembles the Mercedes logo, or any other of your choosing, the concept of peace is inexorably linked to justice. Here again, you may choose your symbol. I myself like the blindfolded lady with the scales, but I’m not sure how well she’d do in a peaceful sit-in on the streets of Baghdad. What I’m getting at is as I have moved on in years I have found that not everyone shares my views. So, how can I expect they would share my views on the best way to achieve peace. Concerted random acts of kindness may provide a starting point. Attempting to understand what the other side means when they speak of peace and justice may help. Recognizing the causes of evil and terror and what each of us can do to curtail its spread short of military engagement. And, finally, realizing, that no matter how big the Peace Movement becomes, when they not only have a volunteer armed forces, but mercenaries willing to fill in the gaps, peace will only be achieved when those trained to fight are trained even better in getting along.
Mark Silverstein is a writer in Yorba Linda, California
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April 18, 2004 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 16, 2004
War for Peace
Arlington West, a sea of white crosses that cover the sandy shore of Santa Barbara, erected by Veterans for Peace
A wide panoramic shot taken on March 20, 2004 at a March for Peace at the intersection of Hollywood and Vine (together with 180 other such photographs around the world, in 40 other countries)
God Angrily Clarifies 'Don't Kill' Rule: Responding to recent events on Earth, God, the omniscient creator-deity worshipped by billions of followers of various faiths for more than 6,000 years, angrily clarified His longtime stance against humans killing each other Monday.
Watch the video “Boom” from System of a Down. (Found at “Deviant Synapse 2.0”)
The Peace Movement One Year Later - One year after the start of war in Iraq, the peace movement in the United States faces an unusual predicament…
Many More Unusual Links About Peace and About War Here
April 16, 2004 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
January 31, 2004
Here are the 2003 Grow-a-Brain Peace links
l70 Pictures taken around the World on February 15/16, 2003
A beautiful Piece -The Missing Piece Puzzle
Arctic Quest - Four women, sixteen dogs, two sleds, one dream - 9/19/03
Baring it all for peace and Peace Portraits . (More Nude Protesters - 10/1/03)
Blog For Peace - 10/31/03
"Bomb the World", the new Anti-war song from Michael Franti's "Spearhead Vibrations" - 9/12/03
"Breaking the ice" - four Israelis and four Palestinians on a Peace Expedition to Antarctica - 1/21/04
Buddhist Peace Fellowship - 11/2/03
Greenpeace - "The first casualty of war: truth"
Images against War - 10/20/03
Peace and anti-war poster competition
Peace Pole Makers - 9/19/03
Rug of Peace - 11/4/03
The Christmas Truce of 1914 - 12/24/03
The Israeli "Peace Now" movement, The Peace Encyclopedia and "Bitter Lemons" - Israeli-Palestinian dialogue
The Nobel Peace Prize - Laureates
The World Peace Prayer Society - 9/19/03
Tolstoy's "War and Peace" - All 365 chapters of it
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc. was founded in New York City in 1967 after six Vietnam vets marched together in a peace demonstration... - 11/13/03
"Voice yourself", Woody's Dream is back on line - 1/12/04
Yusuf Islam sings "Peace Train"
Writings of Father John Dear - 11/30/03
Many More Unusual Links About Peace and About War Here
January 31, 2004 in Peace | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack