March 07, 2009
Candy-Coated Toilet
Limited edition Commemorative bathroom tiles kiln fired and glazed with ‘celebrities’, Michael Chertoff, Tony Curtis, Anna Frank, Charlie Crist, Dennis Farina, and many others. (On eBay. From Bad Idea)
Killer wine labels, and 24 other brilliant wine label designs
YouTube stickers for your TV
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March 7, 2009 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 19, 2009
Sleeping Bear
Unusual Door knobs. (From Evil mad scientist)
The greatest sleeping bag ever made, by Eiko Ishizawa. (From Dooby Brain)
People Who Live in Glass Houses. It's Not All Sunshine; Faded Furniture, Nosy Neighbors and Baking Heat Among Gripes
30 Novels Worth Buying For the Cover Alone. (Thank you, Neil)
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February 19, 2009 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 29, 2008
I snorted my dad
'Breaking News' stories of NY Post needlepoint pillows, created by Brigid Berlin, a former Warhol superstar
Stair Porn, a blog about stairs. (From Hello Bauldoff)
Creative Trading cards at Glyph Jockey
Ideographic Alphabet (Chairphabet) by Amandine Alessandra, based on research work by linguist Ferdinand de Saussure
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Those that know me know I am a sucker for multitudes. Many of anything intrigues me more than single things ever could. So it wouldn’t be much of a surprise to find out that I took 2925 dice and formed them into a bitmap image of the Madonna. That’s the Madonna, and not just plain ol’ Madonna. Madonna by Robert Hodgin
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October 29, 2008 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 09, 2008
Motherboard Walls
Motherboard Walls, an old project by Chris Harrison
Meg chair by Oly. (From Kim Carney). Also, Dog Chair
For 30 years my Father painted billboards in the industrial section of town. This is the sink in the men's room. The faucet could not be turned off, and so ran perpetually. He said it had been running when he got there just after WWII. I shot this picture about 25 years ago. The building's still there, I wonder if the water's still running?
Also there, Grandma died at 102
Global Warming Rug by NEL for Nanimarquina
Far From Conservative - Roland Emmerich’s design of his new London house
Seen everywhere: Rich People Rooftops
25 "luxury" plastic bottle designs. (From Swiss Miss)
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August 9, 2008 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
June 14, 2008
You’ll need: 4 stacked Rubbermaid letter trays
“I got tired of having all these devices taking up space on my desk, under my desk, and on my CPU, with all their attendant wires all over the place. The pieces to be organized:
* Wireless Router
* Network Switch
* DSL Modem
* Network Storage Link
* USB Hard Drive
And, of course, all their wall warts...”
The $8 Home Network Rack
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The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good
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June 14, 2008 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
February 16, 2008
The IKEA Game is very simple - given a list of IKEA product names, can you guess what the product is. Ten products are picked from our database, so every game is different. (From Do you speak IKEA)
An Entire Apartment's Furniture in One Small Box
Ice jewelry
Monster Skin Rug & chairs by LongoLand
The Perfect Hawaii Chair combines the ancient art of the Hula with patented 2,800 RPM Hula motor to create an easy-to-use waistline slimming and fat burning aerobic workout exercise machine that take the work out of your work
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February 16, 2008 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 29, 2007
Aktuell by Yvonne Fehling and Jennie Peiz
The Young and the Restless upholstery fabrics
XKCD creator was thinking of getting a couch or something for his room, somewhere for guests to lounge around. He decided to make a ball pit in his room
Low energy light bulb at The Plumen project
Omega Steam Shower by Jacuzzi
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November 29, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
October 31, 2007
She’s a Model Now?
Based on Hieronymus Bosch, Fall of the Damned lampshade
Pieter van Suijlekom's Reef Aquarium
She’s a Model Now? (Ooops, doesn't work!)
Winner of the “2007 Ugly Couch Contest”
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October 31, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 03, 2007
The 3 million yen bathtub
Cut your own hair with the original Flowbee
Deckchair Dreams - 25 celebrity artists, who have each designed a deckchair canvas
Drawing inspiration from the bonsai, park planters were created to elevate the common household plant to the status of full grown tree. The potted plant becomes the backdrop for an urban park scene. (From Better Living Through Design)
The Strange Story of Napoleon's Wallpaper
Artist Tetsuya Nakamura’s Hot-rod bath
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October 3, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
August 01, 2007
Time to Call Merry Maids
Milk, a Danish Table designed for a Mac
Top 5 Chairs Made From Trash
The Philosophy of Furniture; Edgar Allan Poe's theories on interior decorating
The Emergency stool is a laser cut panel of Baltic Birch plywood where each part is connected to each other creating a panel that can be displayed an image on the wall prepared to be but into action for an emergency by simply breaking the panel into it's individual parts
The Doorknob Condition ensures privacy
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August 1, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
June 28, 2007
Questionable Hotel Rugs taken at an Atlanta hotel by Tina Roth Eisenberg
A set of Mac OS x dock icon pillows
International “dream toilet” competition for architects, designers and engineers, dreamt by Oliviero Toscani, former Benetton ad guru
Pimp My Chair: La-Z-Boy Thrives on Overstuffed Innovation
Yin-Yang outdoor sofa. (From Out Next)
A really huge ceiling lamp - The XL(AMP) by Objet B’ Art. Also, Wiener Dog Lamp
(Image above from Natanson)
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June 28, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 18, 2007
Cat Tour
Wallpaper from the 70s. (From Coudal)
Awe-Inspired Cats Tour Ghetto-ized Bedroom
Human-sized Copper frogs for your yard, by Beau Smith. (From Flat Rock)
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May 18, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 25, 2007
Napkin Folding
Eero Saarinen’s Womb Chair, 1947
Johnny Swing’s Nickel Couch
A museum of original Russian samovars from Tula
Unrelated: Random image thread on Fark. (not safe for dialup)
No time to blog tonight. sorry.
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April 25, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
April 03, 2007
Bookcase made out of books
This into that - fine art furniture from Jim Rosenau
Sexy furniture by Mario Philippona
"Rolling Stones Logo" Swimming Pool Mural. (Celebrating Keith Richards snorting his dad?)
Hate washing dishes? Try The DishMaker by Leonardo Bonanni. This machine makes dishes by recycling old ones and just re-forming them
(Pix above from Stiknstein)
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April 3, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 19, 2007
Let 100 Leos Bloom
Vintage stoves restored by Stevan Thomas Radakovich. (Update: See the many comments below)
Also, Meneghini antique refrigerator. (From Neatorama)
28,000 potted, blooming flowers
Mens et Manus (MIT logo) in origami, by Brian Chan
Some Hungarian home decorator
Pink Not Dead! Project
Making a little box out of a Post-It Note
Egg Bird Houses by J. Schatz
Yahoo's The Pianist
Movisi modular sofa
Seen everywhere: Folding Chair (YouTubesky). Update: Chishen Chiu's website
Petronas 2007 Chinese New Year Greetings
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February 19, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (372) | TrackBack