November 14, 2009
52 Guinness World Records
largest known land gastropod is the African giant snail (Achatina achatina).
The largest recorded specimen of this species measured 39.3 centmeters (15.5
inches) from snout to tail when fully extended. Its shell length was 27.3
centimeters (10.75 inches) and it weighed exactly 900 grams (2 pounds)
November 14, 2009 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
October 25, 2009
Walking on
Infinite Grass - 2006 grass walking piece. Filmed at CSAW Gallery. Metal with
Plastic reinforced sodgrass belt
Also there:
Pedal Shoes -
wikipedia’s link: Cross section of oranges (Click to biggify)
Classic Album
Covers - New Stamps from Royal Mail
Kojak?” - Passing stones
(English: Association for subordinate officials of the head office management
of the Danube steamboat electrical services) is an example of the virtually
unlimited compounding of nouns that is possible in many Germanic languages;
with 79 letters, according to the 1996 Guinness Book of World Records, it is
the longest word published in the German language
The Story of
the Story of ________: Fertilizer, Sponges and Etc.
Original Hemp Bliss - Certified Organic Hempmilk
October 25, 2009 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
January 05, 2009
A man wearing a huge turban
(Mentioned earlier about a year ago)
Also, the World's Biggest Turban in the Bagore Ki Haveli Museum
“Don’t worry”, he told me “I’ve got my shin pads in case I fall”. (From Super Poop)
10 Awesome Things With Mustaches
Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin masks, Johnson Smith & Co., 1940s. From “The Great American Catalog”
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...People ask a lot of questions over at Ask Metafilter. And some of those questions are about the bathroom: about why people talk in there, why they flush things, how to not die of bathroom poisoning, and so on.
Really, there are a whole dang lot of these questions. Cortex rounded a few of them up, with a general focus on the intersection between restrooms and etiquette and grouped roughly by topic...
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
January 5, 2009 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
October 23, 2008
My sombrero for your kayak
So, you finally realized that kayaks are work. You would much rather replace all that sweaty paddling with a cool, shady nap under a wide-brim hat dreaming of nachos.
You think about all the space in your garage that kayak's taking up and just start to count how many jars of salsa you could fit on that shelf.
You remember last Cinco de Mayo when you showed up to the big party sans sombrero. Someone threw a bell pepper at your head.
Don't you think it's about time you traded in that kayak for a nice comfortable sombrero?
Okay. How about I also throw in a pinata with 300 dollars worth of loose change?
Think about it...If you no longer need that 10-12 foot sit on top kayak, I have a sombrero that----and I'm not even lying-----would look stunning on you.
You think you look good in that poncho of yours, you just wait until the ladies get a load of you in that sombrero. Meow, indeed.
I will trade my sombrero for your kayak
(From The Original Joe Fisher)
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Also: I thought I should try something new and different for my interview on Tuesday. Who wouldn't hire me?
Hand designed shoes by Seth Brau
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October 23, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 28, 2008
Pickelhaube Helmets
The wrong trousers and other sets of Teams on flicker
The German Pickelhaube was a spiked helmet worn in the 19th and 20th centuries by German military, firefighters, and police. It is most closely associated with the Prussian army. Also, German Helmet Decals
78 People Who Tattooed Celebrities Onto Their Bodies
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September 28, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 02, 2008
The T-Shirt Of Terror
Un-related: Highest Blob Jump Launch (YT)
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August 2, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 23, 2008
The Google Sari
The Google Sari by Indian designer Satya Paul
African vintage hair styles at “African Loxo”
Because of the popularity of Guide Horses, service horses and emotional support horses, there has been a increasing demand for sneakers and shoes for miniature horses
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
June 23, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 26, 2008
Made in Timbuktu
A large collection of “Made In” tags, part of the labels project
Pajamas as Outdoor Wear in Shanghai. The prevalence of pajamas, according to photographer Justin Guariglia, was due to both the extreme summer heat and the lack of plumbing. The area where most of the pictures were taken was one where many people had to use outdoor communal toilets and thus the boundaries of what was considered home expanded past people’s houses to the public bathrooms. Once that relaxation of the dress code became acceptable (starting around the 1980s) the perimeter for PJ-wear just kept expanding until many people were wearing them day in day out…
When Bodybuilding and Steroids Go Too Far
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May 26, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
April 13, 2008
Wookin' Pa Nub in all da wong paces
One reason health insurance is so high is because the insurance companies also have to insure catwalk models. (From Bunk P. Strutts)
Blackface is a style of theatrical makeup that originated in the United States, used to take on the appearance of an archetype of American racism
Face paint Mosaic by artist James Kuhn
All New – Featuring the personal websites of Grow-a-brain’s readers! Today, one of the readers I’m most proud of having, David Byrne, True Stories teller who's Grown Backwards, Talking Head who stopped Making Sense, etc.. Submit yours for consideration.
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
April 13, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack
March 21, 2008
The Great Beyond
What’s The Most Popular T-Shirt For A Mugshot? Are people wearing Scarface t-shirts more likely to commit a crime, or just more likely to get arrested?
Converse custom Chucks: A limited edition series of custom Kurt Cobain Converse shoes is currently in production, and will be released this summer as part of the shoe company’s year-long 100th Anniversary ‘Welcome to the Converse Century’ celebration
The evolution of alternative music
Periodic Ring, gold silver & platinum
Unrelated re-post: Django Reinhardt & the Hot Club de France
(Graphic above from b3ta moustache challenge. Many other Image Challenge at b3ta, including Animal instruments)
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
March 21, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
March 12, 2008
What To Wear When You Tell The World You’ve Been Cheating
Going on national television to let the world know you’ve been cheating must be really difficult. Thankfully so many politicians have done it already there’s now a guide for what to wear if you happen to find yourself under the spotlight.
1. If you own an American flag pin wear it to prove you’re still patriotic, even if you aren’t so loyal.
2. Your wife should wear any sort of soft blue lady power suit. Studies show blue to be disarming, bad Hillary!
3. Nothing says I’ll stand by you more than a pearl necklace. (Only applies to Democrats)
4. A red, white and blue diagonally striped tie is purely optional but says a lot about your interests.
5. Don’t forget to wear something different but still classy, when you check yourself into rehab in 3… 2…
Also, Three things you can learn from Client 9. No 1: "Christin" won't be found online. Don't bother trolling the Internet Archive for her photo. The way high-end agencies work is the pics on the website aren't the actual girls. Potential clients go in person to a madam after they make a deposit towards the first appointment. They then get to look at a photo book and decide who to hire from there
No 2. There's no such thing as a "$5,500/hour escort."
No 3. Could it happen to YOU? No.
Scott Schuman ...wanders around Manhattan with a camera. Spots someone whose outfit he likes. Asks if he can take a picture. Goes home and posts it on his blog...
(Photo from The Coat and Tie experiment)
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
March 12, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 27, 2008
Burka Fashion Show
Bill Maher’s Burka Fashion Show
5 New Yorkers that dress in only one color
The walrus style of moustache is bushy, thick, and droops down over the mouth, in a fashion similar to the whiskers on the upper lip of a walrus. Other notable Moustache styles
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
February 27, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 06, 2008
Turban Hot or Not
Rate my turban - Turban Hot or Not
The reason why communism didn't work - Russian Fashion 89
Catholic Costumes for Children Made in the USA by American Farm Women
Un-related: A sea of anchors. Also, a sea of faces
Update: Another sea of anchors collage - this one from last night's election coverage
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February 6, 2008 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
December 18, 2007
Crazy Robertson
Facial shapes & facial features: picking a style that suits you
Gisele Bundchen’s water dress
Hot plumber's crack is still crack
More Fashion ads from Ebony Magazine, 1970 - '76
The Crazy Robertson fashion line
24 unusual bras
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
December 18, 2007 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
November 10, 2007
The Toothbrush mustache
Hitler's Toothbrush mustache is one of the most powerful symbols of the last century, an inch of hair that represents infinite evil. Writer Rich Cohen on Becoming Adolf
Large-scale photographs of lipsticks near the end of their lives, by Stacy Green
No More Sexy Cat Costumes for Girls
Spamshirts - Choose one
African skinhead/punk fashion fantasy
A Huge Depository of Unusual Fashion Trends As Well As Growabrain T-shirt Closet Collection Here
November 10, 2007 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack