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November 23, 2004

“Her Death was caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time”

Absolut_death How to commit suicide, the novel way. A woman trying a suicide attempt by jumping off a bridge…

Death Dot Com - What’s more real than death? (And, I need a volunteer… From “Conform & Obey”)

Virtual tour of Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise, Burial ground of Francois Raspail, Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Allan Kardec, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand, Frederic Chopin, Marcel Proust

Ohio Death row. Life on Death row in Huntsville, TX. Revealing piece of statistics at the bottom of the Arkansas death row list. 38 states with the death penalty

One more photo from Underbunny, the hands of an 102-year-old woman in her casket

Why Men Die Younger, Four photos from the Wallis "Dress to Kill" ad campaign. Also, Chinese dude trying to catch a tree

Irreverent obituaries of the future

“Farewell, Godspeed”: The Greatest Eulogies of Our Time

Great eulogies make great funerals. From “The Funeral Directory”

The Dubuisson cemetery in Slidell, LA, is an old family cemetery somehow related to our colleague, Lee Dubuisson. It’s pretty cool when you have a cemetery named after your family… (Fake login needed)

Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is “Planet Dan”, bound to offend. If you wish to have your blog considered as “Blog Of The Day”, or if you know of a blog that should get same recognition, please email me at realhanan (at) yahoo (dot) com, or post a comment at the bottom of this post.

Quote above from George Carlin, naturally, who also said: “If you have twins, a good idea is to sell one of them. What the hell, you’ve got two. Why not pick up a few dollars?” (I’m afraid that I’m going to have to start quoting Carlin at any opportunity from this point onward.) Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

November 23, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

October 24, 2004

Walking in the shadow of Death Valley

Death_valley_road Dressed for eternity – The Cappucin catacombs in Palermo

Only in Pensacola, FL – The Junior Drive-Thru Funeral Home is still there and still appears to be "out of business". At least for the time being

Also, Alpha 4x4 Funerals, a new funeral service for Land Rover enthusiasts

18 crime scene models that were built in the 1940's and 50's by the progressive criminologist Frances Glessner Lee. The crime scene models, which were based on actual homicides, suicides, and accidental deaths, were created to train detectives to assess visual evidence. (From ”Lonita”)

You don't have to be an executioner to appreciate the Hangman’s Noose

"May we live long and die out" - The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. ”Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth's biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.”

Welcome to Grave Addiction! This site contains photos I have taken at all of the cemeteries, haunted places, abandoned buildings, and historical parks that I have visited

Died Today - Choose a birthdate in the table below. (To be fair, there’s also Born Today)

See our extensive list of Unusual links about Death and Unusual Coffins Here

October 24, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 05, 2004

"A man is not completely born until he is dead"

death_godFamous people who accidentally killed someone, from Laura Bush to Adlai Stevenson

Decomposition describes the natural biological process that occurs after death

A different flash version of The Last Request

A strange ghost story

Death is part of life, a photo project describing how the deceased are taken care of in Sweden. (From “Exclamation Mark”)

Welcome to Anubico, mortuary Novelties, Post Mortem Collectibles, Embalming, Autopsy, Goth Gifts and more

Another Death List 2004

Are You Addicted To Death? Take The Death-aholics Test. Thanks, Jason

Man wrote his own obituary, all false

Quote above by B. Franklin. Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

September 5, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 16, 2004

Everyone Dies

wateryeyesUnderbunny works at a mortuary. Here are Underbunny's photos

Death a laughing matter at Sapanta, the merry, Romanian Cemetery

Welcome! This is a photographic trip to the Capuchins' Catacombs located in Palermo, Italy, where there are thousands of corpses lined on the walls like paintings

A low-cost approach to funerals: A new company started by veterans of the 'death-care' industry provides cremation plus memorial for $995

Oldest Authenticated Supercentenarians (people 110 or older)

Every one Dies, But Not Everyone Has Lived

Choosing Death by Nicholas D. Kristof (The New York Times, July 14, 2004)

Finally, The Last Day Of My Life, a true story by Brian Kane

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

July 16, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 14, 2004

“Death is hereditary”

toxic_death Notes For A Future Pallbearer. #1. Don’t trip. Put one foot after the other and watch where you’re going at all times...

How to Fake Your Own Death (From Rant Morgan’s manuals . Of the many other manuals included, see “How To Nail Your Teacher” and “How to Start Your Own Cult”). Also, How not to fake your own Death

“Don't run, you'll just die tired” and other one-liners about death

2004 Darwin Award nominee: A 34-year-old white male found dead in the basement of his home died of suffocation, according to police…He was approximately 6' 2" tall and weighed 225 pounds. He was wearing a pleated skirt, white bra, black and white saddle shoes, and a woman's wig. It appeared that he was trying to create a schoolgirl's uniform look. He was also wearing a military gas mask that had the filter canister removed and a rubber hose attached in its place. The other end of the hose was connected to one end of a hollow tube approx. 12" long and 3" in diameter. The tube's other end was inserted into his rectum for reasons unknown, and was the cause of his suffocation. Police found the task of explaining the circumstances of his death to his family very awkward....This leaves so many questions unanswered...

Funeral Glossary

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

June 14, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

May 19, 2004

"Dying is a very dull, dreary affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing to do with it."

huvsgul_grave Prepare to die

Hand-Carved Keepsake Duck Urns Exclusively for B&L Cremation Systems, Inc. We are proud to offer these high quality, hand carved urns to our customers. Each one has been meticulously designed in every detail.

The Suicide of Virginia Woolf and Wikipedia’s List of famous suicides

Botched Executions. (From “Death Penalty Information Center”)

Harper's Great American Death Masks

Doctor Tells Jessica Simpson She's Going To Die

One-liners about Death

Quote above from Somerset Maugham. Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

May 19, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 25, 2004


deathk Gravesites of the Old West: outlaws, lawmen, Cattlemen and more

‘Dr Death - Anatomy showman Gunther von Hagens’ horrendous dealings’, from photographer Marc Steinmetz

Suicidal Balloon, animated series by Randall Lynton's

Suicide Notes. (From “The G Spot”)

Conspiracy behind The Death of Kurt Cobain

Mausoleum Problems (Adipocere, also Known By The Terms “Grave Wax” & “Mortuary Fat” – a graphic site, do not click unless you want to)…

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

April 25, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

March 30, 2004

Death & Eternity Links

The last picture you'll ever take... (From “Worth 1000”)

The gothic & creepy Gruft – Death room at the Propeller Island Hotel in Berlin

angelijolie.jpgRe-Post: Museum of Death in San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter, and Leading Causes of Death in Various Countries

What are Life Masks? (In German). See their large Catalog. Enclosed is the Angelina Jolie mask.

Near-Death Jokes: "If you are reading this - you are dead"

American Anthropology Obituary Index (? - I guess you need that too)

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

March 30, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 18, 2004

The Body Farm

littel_animator.gif Two babies were born on the same day at the same hospital. They lay there and looked at each other. Their families came and took them away. Eighty years late, by a bizarre coincidence, they lay in the same hospital, on their deathbeds, next to each other. One of them looked at the other and said, "So. What did you think?"
(From Steven Wright ).

“Family prayed at wrong grave for 15 years” - Taphophilia is a repository of morbid curiosities (From "The blog of Death") .

Death’s Acre: Inside the body farm: A pioneer of modern forensic anthropology reveals secrets of the world’s first—and only—laboratory devoted to death with a behind-the-scenes look at his investigations.

“I love Death” comic

Wholesale Body Bags, Proudly Made in USA. No order too large or too small…

Forgotten NY Cemetaries

Pagan Headstone Campaign , for Pagans and Wiccans serving in the U.S. Army today...

Masks from Death Studios

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

February 18, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 31, 2004

Here are the 2003 “Grow-a-Brain” Death & Eternity Links.

bota20death.gifAmerica's Death Row Inmates and Final Meal request - from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice

A picture history of death

A to Z Key of Common Gravestone Symbols and The Association for Gravestone Studies (Both from "Quiddity") - 10/28/03

Autopsy Report , the Blog (From "Poor Cleo") - 7/17/03

Beautiful camera work of photographer Jonathan Clark describing the English Streatham Cemetery (From "Geisha Asobi" , please turn up your speakers) - 9/6/03

Buddhist Guide to Dying Well

Buddhist Reflections on Death and Dying (From "Death And Dementia") - 7/14/03

Cause of Death Test

Celebrities Who Died in Airplane Crashes - 7/12/03

Celebrity Morgue - 8/6/03

Cine morgue

City of Shadows, A Virtual Tour of Highgate Cemetery (From "Follow Me Here")

Cliches about Death & Finality

Coffins - 1/22/04

"Connection Reset by Peers"

Cool Ways To Kill Yourself (from Spike Magazine)

Cryonics - Alcor Life Extension

Dead or Alive? and Famous Deaths - Week in Review. Also, "Life in Legacy"

Death Becomes you - A controversial site about the Funeral Industry and the process of Embalming - (Banned from Ebay)

Death Clock, a friendly reminder that life is slipping away
Bruce Lee Death mask

Death masks: Filipinos Burial Coffins & gold sheets Death Mask, Index of skulls , Mahogany Death Mask , Movie Monsters & Death Mask , Thanatos gallery of Death Masks , The Kinsbury Run Murders, the most infamous murder case in Cleveland history, Ludwig van Beethoven's death-mask stamp and Nistal Prem de Boer is available to make death masks... - 10/30/03

"Death of A Salesman" by Arthur Miller

Death Penalty - pros and cons (from "The Ethical Spectacle") - 8/3/03

Death - The last Taboo

Death Valley National Park (See a panoramic view of the valley)

Dia De La Muertos - Day of the Dead

Eternal Reefs - 7/16/03

Euphemisms for Death and Dying and Top 13 Euthanasia Research

Execution Tapes from Jackson, Georgia - 8/16/03

Famous Funerals (From "Cup of Chicha") - 10/5/03

"Famous Last Words"

Famous Suicides

Fatal Facts , illustrated with cartoons

"Flight From Death" , a film narrated by Gabriel Byrne (Thank you, Toni) - 7/14/03

Glow-in-the-dark gravestones - 10/23/03

Grave art

Grim Rides Funeral Car Club - 8/6/03

Hacked Gravestones . More - 12/26/03

Hans Holbein's Alphabet of Death, (From "Cup of Chicha") - 7/16/03

"Harv was there" tombstone - 10/9/03

How does one cope with the death of your spouse to whom you have been happily married for 67 years - 11/7/03

How I Sent My Father to Heaven Proceedings of Hindu Death Ritual - 12/13/03

How to obtain a copy of Death Certificate

"If you are thinking about suicide... Read this first" (From Mental Help Net)

JFK Autopsy Photos and Xrays "For research purposes only". Warning: Autopsy photos & Xray - Do not click if offended! (From "Weird Links") . Also, Every frame of the Zapruder film - 11/23/03

Last Act Links from "Give Get Take Have": Suicide Note , Devoted to the neglected art of suicide , Sleeping Beauty , The International Survivalist Society and New Orleans Cemeteries . Many more there - 11/30/03

Los dias sin Dias

Luxury To Die For (from "MetaFilter")

Memorial Art , Ashes to ashes.... (From "Catch") - 7/12/03

Motorcycle sidecar hearses (From "Bifurcated Rivets")

National Obituaries Archives . Here is Alexander Graham Bell's obituary

dying.jpgNear-Death Experiences & the afterlife and "The International Association for Near-Death Studies"

Only in Israel, Mobile phone grave (From "Geisha Asobi") - 8/31/03

Page of the Dead

People trying to kill themselves

Portals to Eternity, The Necropolis at Terenouthis

Portuguese Symbols of Freemasonry in the Cemetery of Pleasures and a Holy Ghost Bank - 12/30/03

Post Mortem Photography

Real Tombstone Epitaphs - "The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna. Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna"... - 11/20/03

Rivet's Virtual Memorial Garden - 9/05/03

Rock stars and how they died - "The fear of the Lord prolongeth days - but the years of the wicked shall be shortened" ... 7/13/03

So you're dead. Now what? Things That Can Happen To Your Body After You're Gone - 12/1/03

Searchable Death Indexes for the USA

Short Glossary of Death (From "Sickness & Death in the Old south")

"Smoochy Must Die"

"Stiff", The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers - Haven't read it yet, sounds interesting

Stones of Faith - Pennsylvania Germans & their Gravestones, (From "Ultimate Insult") - 11/21/03

"Sylvia Plath Stuck Her Head in an Oven . . ." & Other Disturbing Deaths in the Literary World

The Arlington National Cemetery

The Dance of Death painting in St. Mary's Church in Lübeck and other Danish Dances of Death

The Darwin Awards - For those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it

The End of Life

The Hemlock Society

The Seventh Seal , a film about God, death & the Crusades

Tombstone Epitaphs and This scary Swiss grave site from The Tombstone Traveller's Guide

Tombstone Hearse Co for bikers looking to provide a motorcycle funeral procession for their dearly departed... (From "Pushin Daisies") , your one line death shop.. - 12/29/03

Virtual Autopsy and Autopsy for Children

What Are the Odds of Dying? - 12/13/03

Wills & Testament

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

January 31, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack