January 22, 2010
This is my last post on grow-a-brain.
Thanks for the nearly 20,000,000 visitors who checked in during the 7 years I blogged here.
I can be found at my new, personal site, Grow-a-baby, dedicated to Adora, the person above. You may contact me through the email there.
Hanan Levin
January 22, 2010 in A new Direction, Personal | Permalink | Comments (49) | TrackBack
November 28, 2009
Baby girl
Yes, I still post here a few links every once in a while, but I spend most of my blogging time now at the new Grow-a-baby website.
À tout à l'heure
November 28, 2009 in A new Direction | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack
April 21, 2009
the remaining activity is inside the comment section...
April 21, 2009 in A new Direction | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack
April 11, 2008
Freelance Writing Job for a new website
We are looking for a creative copywriter for a new website that we are about to launch.
The work will include generating about 10 pages of promotional material for a new real estate program - with a twist.
Please email me some writing samples (preferably non-fiction) or links to your published work for our review. Respond with desired fee.
Thank you,
Hanan Levin & Grow-a-brain Productions
(Photograph above of Charlie and/or Donald Kaufman)
All posts about the Future of Grow-a-brain collected here
April 11, 2008 in A new Direction | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
February 18, 2008
A business opportunity
I found a good sample of the type of online business that I’d like to get into. Here it is:
It’s clean-looking in its simplicity, it looks up to the minute modern. It offers a line of products to a large, often upscale group of people. It was probably easy & inexpensive to set up, and it looks like it has the potential of generating some sales.
I’d like to develop sites like that. Do you have any good ideas to share? If you want to discuss them in confidentiality, email me - realhanan aht yahoo
All posts about the Future of Grow-a-brain collected here
February 18, 2008 in A new Direction | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
January 13, 2008
The first project
My plan is getting clearer. I have a few projects in mind that I think will work well as extensions of grow-a-brain, or as standalone enterprises.
The first & easiest to achieve will be a new blog that I’d like to develop together with 2 or 3 other entrepreneurs. It will be a blog with a holistic bend. It will focus on a narrow topic, dealing with certain aspects of meditation & personal growth. I believe that we can build an affiliate store behind it that will be commercially viable, and capture a good market share within that segment.
I’d like to find 2 or 3 successful individuals to investigate the concept together with me, as I don't wish to do all the work alone, again, for no pay.
The first person will take the roll of main writer / blogger of this project. Ideally it should be a person with background and/or experience in meditation or mind-expansion of various kinds. I’d like to find somebody who already produced a well-written body of creative works, whose work habits will allow him/her to write at least weekly, somebody I can comfortably converse with on a daily basis, somebody honest, intelligent, funny, hard-working, down-to-earth, etc. So basically, somebody just like me…
The second person should be a web-developer who will become part of the team, design all on-line materials, the blog, the store, etc. You have to have verifiable background in building & maintaining sites. I believe that we can achieve high volume, and you’ll have to make sure it works seamlessly.
The third person should be a business manager who will run the project together with me. In the end, it may take only one versatile individual, or maybe two, to fulfill these three positions.
If you have any interest to explore this project with me on a confidential basis, please shoot me an email (realhanan aht yahoo daht com) with a cover letter & a resume, and we’ll talk. I may ask you to sign a NDA.
If I find the right partners, and we get going, I hope to get the project on-line and running within 4 weeks, and dedicate a minimum of 6 months to make it a commercial success.
Good luck!
All posts about the Future of Grow-a-brain collected here
January 13, 2008 in A new Direction | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
January 10, 2008
A new Direction
I have some fresh ideas about possible new directions that I can take the old 'Brain. This way, it continues to provide entertainment to you, while stimulating me to undertake a different challenge.
I'm not sure exactly how, but it will require some kind of a dialogue with you, the readers. Possibly have some of you co-discover the "next thing" with me. Maybe an experiment, maybe a business it will develop into. I want to explore together with some of you how to find this unique project.
Please help. I have lots of resources, both intellectual & material, also lots of excellent ideas & the ability to expose good concepts. What do you have that can be developed into another winner? Start throwing ideas at me. You can do it publicly in the comments, or privately in emails.
Executed correctly, it has to be profitable. If it needs financing, I can possibly help raise it. It has to be real, no scams. Also, not too technical, if I am to understand it.
I will start for it a new category, for the time being, to explore these possibilities. You may participate as much as you want. If you build websites, and you want to design some forum space for it, etc, let me know. Otherwise, surprise me! Be creative, crazy, bold. Let's go.
(Graphic above from Anderson Homes)
January 10, 2008 in A new Direction | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack
January 09, 2008
More about the site
Hello again,
Just a short note regarding the hundreds of emails that I received from Grow-a-brain readers in the last few days, including from many web-friends that I’ve known for years. I am really grateful for all your writings & the sentiments expressed. I will respond to them soon (Maybe over the weekend when my girl is at work…) Thank you all again, it’s very touching to feel appreciated.
Previous Site News Here
January 9, 2008 in A new Direction, Website News | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack
January 08, 2008
The future of ‘Grow
Hello everybody,
I am truly touched by the many emails I received & the wonderful comments left here in the last 24 hours. I know that many appreciate my “work”, but I just don’t get to hear it often enough. Anyway, this is not the main reason why I’ve been thinking about quitting.
I really enjoy the process of blogging (Which for me consists of spending hours every day on the intertubes & simply editing undiscovered gems into small combos). If I could live doing just that, I would be a perfectly happy guy. But things change & I’ve always embraced changes.
I don’t know yet what to do with this site; I hate to erase it "Just because" (Even though it will be the Nietschean thing to do), but I feel that it needs an upgrade, or a downgrade. Or maybe a sidegrade. I am open to any suggestions, radical or not, from anybody who wants to contribute anything.
One of the readers commented that I should “monetize” the site, and this may be an incentive to continue. But really, can blogs make (real) money? If you have a concept of how to do it, please email me to discuss.
I was toying with the idea of building an adult version of this site, for members only & supported by monthly subscriptions. I could provide the same type of amazing, unusual links to Triple-X, sexually-explicit wonders. Grow-a-brain has always been PG-14, but I know of extraordinary adult things. Would you buy into something like that? And how much will you be willing to pay for the privilege? Would you pay $5 a month for a similarly-interesting “grow-a-dick”? Would you pay $25/month? If I can get 2,000 readers (The average daily number on Grow-a-brain is 15,000-20,000) to pay $10/month, I will do it.
For some reason, I have not been posting much about my real estate business here. Why? I don’t know. If I am to continue blogging, I will use it much more to promote my business, expose my listings & look for business opportunities with other investors. I really have not used the popularity of this site at all to do that.
For now, here on the side, is the main reason why I want to spend less time on the internet -
Anyway, as of now I’m not sure what to do. As I wrote yesterday, I have about 20 days of pre-composed posts which will come online every midnight, and then we’ll see. Please let me know of any proposals that may work.
I leave you with -
Previous Site News Here
January 8, 2008 in A new Direction, Website News | Permalink | Comments (42) | TrackBack
No more ‘Grow?
This weekend, Grow-a-brain passed the 12 million hits mark, according to its stats counter. Since February of 2003 I’ve been consistently posting to it every single day, searching & sharing many thousands of links with a large, but mostly anonymous audience.
Unfortunately I've been thinking of shutting this blog down. I get the empty feeling that fewer visitors stop here, and that nobody cares about me & my “discoveries” any more.
I still have about 5 pages of links that will be published automatically in the next few weeks. Unless something changes, I’ll be going back soon into the great void where I came from.
You didn’t expect that, did you?
Here what people were saying about Grow-a-Brain through the years
January 8, 2008 in A new Direction, Website News | Permalink | Comments (153) | TrackBack