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March 17, 2009
20 miles above Earth for £56
… Next day morning (2.00 AM) was expected to ride Bujaraloz, people listed the release basically good for your situation. Feia un matí fred amb molta boira com podreu observar a les fotografies. Was a very cold morning mist as you can see the photos. Primerament vam començar a inflar el globus (un procés força llarg ja que vam utilitzar el 75% de la bombona gran d’heli d’Abelló-Linde).
First, we began to inflate the balloon (a very long process because we use 75% of the large cylinder of helium-Abelló Linde). Mentrestant, seguíem preparant: comprovar les cordes, col•locar totes les alimentacions, fer alguna petita prova inicial… Un cop inflat el globus i comprovat el seu free-lift (aprox. 1.5Kg) vam iniciar-nos a fer el muntatge definitiu. Meanwhile, we continued prepare: see the strings, put all the feeds, do a little test ...
Once the balloon inflated and checked their free-lift (approx 1.5Kg) we started to make us the final assembly. En aquests moments els nervis ja començaven a pujar força. At this time because the nerves were beginning to rise strongly. Acabat tot el procés, pels voltants de les 8.55 AM vam engegar la sonda Meteotek, deixant-la uns minuts de proves abans de llençar-la. Finish the whole process, from around 8:55 am we start the probe Meteotek, leaving the few minutes of testing before launching it. El compte enrere quedava cada vegada més aprop! The countdown was increasingly close!
Comprovada la recepció de dades i el funcionament correcte de tots els dispositius, a les 9.10AM vam efectuar el llançament. Verified the receipt of data and proper operation of all devices, at 9.10AM we conducted the launch. Un moment històric! A historic moment!
We quickly rose to the car and began one of the most intense: the follow-up. During the first few minutes the nerves were so high they tend to infinity faster than an exponential! Seemed that everything was going well: sensors marked the values provided, GPS positions reported valid, the increasing number of pictures correctly ...
It was not until 10.000m (a psychological barrier) that we take the calm and gaining confidence. La seguíem gairebé en paral•lel, i cal dir també que la simulació durant l’ascens semblava complir-se amb força precisió. The following, almost in parallel, and must say that the simulation during the ascent seemed to meet quite precisely. Van caldre algunes parades per reorientar l’antena o esperar a la sonda. They need some stops to reorient the antenna or wait for the probe.
Jordi Fanals Oriol, El tutor & his pupils
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March 17, 2009 in Space | Permalink
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That is really bad ass. Looks like your project turned out great. I think it would be cool if you could make it R/C so you could nudge it in a direction slightly to get the antennas to align better. Just a thought.
Nice though!
Posted by: Josh - Master Cock Blocker at Mar 18, 2009 1:30:57 PM