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February 01, 2009
Keeping his enemies close
Positively Pennsylvania Avenue, and At last danced (YT)
Obama’s luncheon menu on his inauguration day, serving the same lunch as Lincoln did in 1861
Mrs Obama’s Bingo, by Obama’s step mother, a bingo player
Newspaper reporting: ¡A trabajar, mi negro!
Sen. Mitch McConnell and his hot wife Elaine Chao arriving at the Alfalfa Club dinner at the Capitol Hiltonlast night
Mad Men Obamified
You love your president. Let him love you back. A new Head of state
The Audacity Of Dope
What the inauguration felt like
In this 2001 "lost episode" of Check, Please!, then state senator Barack Obama reviewed Dixie Kitchen and Bait Shop in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago
Yes Pecan Ice cream from Ben & Jerry. From a Punny reddit thread that asks “What flavor would they create for GWB?”
Continuing a White House ritual, President George W. Bush left a note in the Oval Office for President-elect Barack Obama, wishing him well as he takes the reins of the executive branch
Also, the big Bush Scandals List
Track Obama’s Promises - nearly 500 of Obama’s campaign promises and his progress towards achieving them
Huge Depositories of Political Posts, specifically the 2008 and 2004 Elections Here
February 1, 2009 in Politics | Permalink
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