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January 14, 2009

Regrets, I've had a few

Deez_teez And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you know
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, My share of losing
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way,
"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way"

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way

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(T-shirt above from Deez Teez)

Oh, by the way: Psssst, get your Inaugural Ball tickets right here on Craigslist....

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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December 31, 2008

"The Magic Negro"


Christopher Buckley on the inaugural poem: There was a young man named Obama

Yes you can has cheezburgers

Cheney defends the last 8 years

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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December 31, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

December 25, 2008

Post-election reactions

Obama_cowbell Sorry I haven’t updated. I spent the last three weeks getting drunk to celebrate the election of Joe Biden as America’s 47th white vice-president. I never thought I’d live to see the day. Me and some other whites went out for a drink, then after a few port and lemons Giles Poncington (a pasty acquaintance of mine) starts asking if Biden is white enough. This led to a sharp exchange of views with Biffo Dingethorpe, who argued that Boris Johnson is even whiter than Biden, and yet a bigger arse-head you shall not see in a summer’s day.

The discussion soon degenerated into a snarling melee between the Whites and the Very Whites, and to cut a long story short I just got out on bail this morning

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Please help Bush come up with a name for his upcoming book at Daily Kos. Among the very first suggestions: Life with Dick, Failing Upward, If I did it, Pretzel Logic, My left Behind…Over 1248 comments

Also, From Obamania to Baracktagon, Slate has a book with over 800 Obamaisms

It’s interesting to see dozens of cartoons from all over the world about the Iraqi flying shoes incident, expressing the same sentiment, and with nearly exact angle

The new Impeach Obama facebook group, one of 30 groups (with over 9,000 members) getting ready for action. 19 other Wild Reactions to Obama’s Victory

Who's Buried In Grant's Tomb? Presidential Gravesites

First ladies rule the state, and state the rule: "Ladies first" - A Palindromic Proverb, from 'Futility Closet'

5 Obama photomosaics on Flickr

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Willie Brown was was at a party last week and this brother comes up and says to him, "Willie Brown, even with the housing market and the economy, this has been a really great year for black people."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we got Obama."

Then he said, "But you know, come to think of it, it was a good year for white people, too."

"Why's that?" I asked.

Because they finally got O.J.

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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December 09, 2008

Playing it cool

Platinum rock band Drowning Pool is a band on a mission. There they are with the Prez, and with the founder & Executive Director of IAVA, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Paul Rieckhoff

The last few weeks, The Onion has been beating the crap out of President Bush

`Staggering' allegations, even by Illinois standards.... Notice: Comments are limited to one word only -- your adjective or other evocative word to describe today's indictment

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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December 9, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 16, 2008

Pickin’ Cotton

Cotton_picking The results of the recent presidential election, on county level are below. Blue counties voted for Obama, red ones for McCain (darker hues representing larger majorities). In spite of Obama’s national victory, and barring Virginia, North Carolina and Florida, all Southern states (i.e. all states formerly belonging to the Confederacy) went for McCain. The pattern of pro-Obama counties in those southern states corresponds strikingly with the cotton-picking areas of the 1860s, especially along the Louisiana-Mississippi and Mississippi-Alabama borders.

- From Pickin’ Cotton to Pickin’ Presidents

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I Voted for Two. (From message for Obama pool on flickr)

Obama Action Figures. (From Village Voice)

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Barack atah Illinois
Elohenu melech ha'obama,
hoo-ray p'ri ha-electoral landslide.


(Thank you, Abbit the average)

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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November 08, 2008

The new Thunder & Lightning show

Obamas_white_house In Hebrew, Rahm (רעם)* means “thunder” and Barack (ברק) means “lightning”! (From NJDC)

Obama Rally Missed Connections on craigslist. (From Coudal)

Listen to Terry Gross' in-depth interview with Robert Kuttner, author of Obama's Challenge, about the many Herculean obstacles the president-elect faces — and what it will take to tackle them (Highly recommended)

Obama's Gridiron Speech from March 2006

Moneygall, Ireland: The Ancestral Home of O’Bama

Midnight at the Lincoln Memorial, by Rose Marie Berger

Breakfast in Colorado: Bacon beats Fries in Fort Collins race

Lots more Obama cookies & cakes and 1240 cupcakes

The Heimlich

The New Sheriff Is In

Cartoon by Mr. Fish above from Harper’s

Update: If you haven't done before, start learning about Cory Booker (whose website looks very familiar...)

Update no. 2: Who will play the movie Obama?

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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November 8, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 04, 2008



What a magnificent speech!

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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November 4, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack

November 03, 2008

Obama_massage Is it over yet?
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please
let it be over

Soon I will find out
if people are smarter or
dumber than I thought

More Election Haikus at a site by Hosea Jan Frank

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Last batch of links before the election:

Every generation has its photos that seem to capture an entire era in a moment

Candidates Get Baked: The faces of McCain and Obama are displayed on loaves of bread at Feel Good Bakery in Alameda

Diapers.com: Time For A Change (YT)

Bush Street Renamed Obama

I'm in Love with Sarah Palin performed by Joe and the Plumbers. (More YT)

Robert Redford in The Candidate (1972)

Building a Bridge to the 21st Century (1996)

Poll results on The Candy Vote

Pix above from “b3ta challenge: Photoshop the US election

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Unrelated: A School bus on fire

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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November 3, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

November 01, 2008

Bob the builder

Economist_cover $20 cuts at Shepard Fairey's hair salon

Say Hear is page that patches together voice messages from people who want to say why they’ve voting for whom. (From Doc Searls)

The 2008 election on 1 page

A Palin presidency

Roy The Forklift Driver to Address Nation on Rush Limbaugh Show

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When a candidate loses, what happens to the story about how that candidate won? Below are a few stories that will never see the light of print.

Call it the first postmodern presidential campaign. Mike Gravel became the first person ever to win the presidency without uttering a single word at an election rally, interview, or debate. The strategy was adopted after the success of an early Gravel ad in which the candidate simply stared into the camera. The campaign's most memorable moment took place at the Democratic Convention in Denver, where a crowd of more than 90,000 sat in rapt attention as Gravel held the podium for 37 minutes while the party platform slowly scrolled across the large screen behind him. Voters said they preferred Gravel's cold stare to John McCain's health care plan by a 2-to-1 margin. How Gravel Won

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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November 1, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

October 29, 2008

American Cheese

 Tina_fey_palin American Cheese with Barack, McCain, Biden & Palin. Printed with liquid photo emulsion on individual slices

Wasilla’s is all I saw Palin-dromed

The Palin Effect at TPM

Another good reason to wait until someone is dead before you start naming things after him or her

Election Prediction by Craig Shirley, a Reagan biographer: My prediction is that with Acorn's help, Obama will win 107 percent of the popular vote and 600 Electoral College votes. Just like other Socialist candidates around the world. I further predict that the Democrats first action will be issue a bounty on the heads of all Bushies---if conservatives don't do it first

Two of a kind (YT)

Obama 1961 birth announcement from Honolulu Advertiser. This Honolulu Advertiser announcement of Barack Obama's Aug 4, 1961 birth was published August 13, 1961 on page B-6. It is available only on microfilm in Hawaii libraries. It has never been posted online in spite of the extensive controversy over Obama's birth certificate. The announcement is 4th from the bottom of the left hand column. (From Wikileaks)

Hope - An intangible object within every American that is destroyed every four years in November. More definitions at the Election Glossary from The Onion

By the way, I’ve been getting tons of hits from StumbleUpon recently, but I have no idea where is the 'Stumble'. If you know where it is, please email me the link. Thanks

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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October 29, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack

October 11, 2008

Better than waterboarding

Mccain_obama_2008 Joe Biden singing & dancing on the riverbank. (YT)

Bush's Third Term

Yes We Carve - Obama pumpkins 2008

Bill Maher Votes for BBQ

Dick Cheney Shreds Secret Documents Snow Globe

A transcript of a town meeting from Wasilla, AK, dramatically read by the actor, Chris Schneider. From Blort)

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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October 11, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

October 04, 2008

Secret Conversation

Survey_usa You can't blink.
You have to be wired
In a way of being
So committed to the mission,

The mission that we're on,
Reform of this country,
And victory in the war,
You can't blink.

So I didn't blink.

(From The Poetry of Sarah Palin)

He is the man that we need to leave!

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Hungry for Omaba is a viral movement that's raising money for Obama by empowering his supporters to host grassroots fundraisers

Never gonna give you up

Winkers In Chief

A thoughtful endorsement by the New Yorker

Un-related: A Man's Life

November 3, 2008 Update: I already forgot the explanation of the map above, and here comes an article showing what it means: How the Map Looked Exactly 2 Years Ago

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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October 4, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 20, 2008

MILF. It does a body good

Palin_gothic Presidential Smackdown

What up, RNC! A black comic introduces John McCain in St Paul

Ms. Palin’s index cards

The Contrast: Obama vs. McCain

Palin’s army on YTMND

Sarah Palin Bags a Big One by Zina Saunders. More at Women's Work

Lego Obama by Ben Cook

Karen Caldicott’s Nation Cover

The Candidate’s email was hacked!

Six Questions for Bart Gellman, Author of ‘Angler’. Cry & weep. (From Andrew Sullivan)

Obama bumper stickers for 52 states. (From 2 Boings)

Why does Bush act so macho?

(Illustration above from Greg Storey’s Airbag)

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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September 20, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

September 06, 2008

Jayne Mansfield for president

Mccain_palin Jayne Mansfield for president - The White House or Bust

Ten Women Who Would Have Made Better Veep Picks for McCain

…”When we shot this photo for the third cover of LIFE (the newspaper supplement version) back in September of 2004, we never dreamed we'd actually see it play out....or even anything this close…” when Johnny met Sarah

Obama Dragon and McCain Gargoyle Collectible Statues for your garden

ABC’s Terry Moran on Barack Obama's 2 dads one white, one black (YT)

Un-related (I hope): 1-800-Duck-You - Federal Duck Stamp includes phone-sex number

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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September 6, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

August 22, 2008

Faring poorly

Obama_gore_logo "In a potentially ominous sign for the presumptive Democratic nominee, a new poll shows Sen. Barack Obama trailing far behind GOP standard bearer Sen. John McCain among voters who identify themselves as racists.

Pundits and pollsters alike have wondered about the role racists might play in the 2008 presidential contest, but the new survey released today was the first concrete attempt to take the pulse of this key voting bloc.

The poll, conducted by Duh Magazine, suggests that Mr. Obama faces an uphill battle in his effort to win the votes of dyed-in-the-wool bigots..."

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From Technology Review - How Obama Really Did It: The social-networking strategy that took an obscure senator to the doors of the White House

7110 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, the former home of John & Cindy McCain:
Bedrooms: 9.
Bathrooms: 8.
Price: $12,000,000.
(From TMP)

Some Bush gif from an old Daily Kos post

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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August 22, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack