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December 06, 2008
Obama Beards
“To the President of the Senate: This letter is to inform you that I resign from the United States Senate effective November 16, 2008, in order to prepare for my duties as President of the United States.” Copy of Obama’s Letter of Resignation
Rosa sat... from Lance Armstrong's Twitter feed
Marvin, what do we do now? (YT)
Why Barack Should Grow a Beard
More from “The Daily Beast” - When Richard B. Cheney exits his undisclosed location next month, he will probably be the last major figure in American life to answer to the name "Dick."The Last Dick
Also, OJ Simpson on dickipedia. Please do not be a dick
Many more unusual links about Obama. Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 Election and other Political Posts Here
December 6, 2008 in Americana - Barack Obama | Permalink
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