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November 01, 2008
Bob the builder
$20 cuts at Shepard Fairey's hair salon
Say Hear is page that patches together voice messages from people who want to say why they’ve voting for whom. (From Doc Searls)
Roy The Forklift Driver to Address Nation on Rush Limbaugh Show
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When a candidate loses, what happens to the story about how that candidate won? Below are a few stories that will never see the light of print.
Call it the first postmodern presidential campaign. Mike Gravel became the first person ever to win the presidency without uttering a single word at an election rally, interview, or debate. The strategy was adopted after the success of an early Gravel ad in which the candidate simply stared into the camera. The campaign's most memorable moment took place at the Democratic Convention in Denver, where a crowd of more than 90,000 sat in rapt attention as Gravel held the podium for 37 minutes while the party platform slowly scrolled across the large screen behind him. Voters said they preferred Gravel's cold stare to John McCain's health care plan by a 2-to-1 margin. How Gravel Won
Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here
November 1, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink
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