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October 20, 2008

Two moves

This is one of the best kept secrets with the Rubik’s Cube. Anyone can solve the Rubik’s Cube without studying or having to learn complicated algorithms. Watch the video to learn how

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October 20, 2008 in Games - Rubik's Cube | Permalink


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Completely faked. If you only move a cube that way certain squares will never change, notice for example the four squares in the lower right quadrant start out all the same color. Try that with a cube that's completely random and you'll be wasting your time all day.

Posted by: Aaron at Oct 21, 2008 5:57:34 AM

Aaron is right. It's totally false. There are a total of 11 squares that are never moved. If only one of that squares is misplaced at the beginning, the cube cannot be solved with that two movements.

Posted by: Lolo at Oct 21, 2008 10:55:01 AM

Completely fake.

Posted by: Rich at Oct 22, 2008 1:53:29 PM

Wow, what a fake. He already has a 2X2X3 block at the beginning. (green, red and blue) and he has the orange and yellow side pieces oriented correctly. Even with a 2X2X3 block it would be impossible to orient any of the side pieces remaining (yellow and orange) only moving the left and upper sides.

Look here and you will see what I mean. http://lar5.com/cube/fas3.html It is impossible to move to step 4 in the Petrus method without the side pieces oriented correctly. It is mathematically and logically impossible...although it's pretty funny if even one person wasted an hour trying to solve it this way.

Posted by: Rubik Master at Jan 20, 2009 2:27:04 AM