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October 20, 2008

Bad to the bone

On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder, at the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up, and she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away, that I was bad to the bone

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October 20, 2008 in Funny | Permalink


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why have you done to make the nurse right away said you were bad to the bone?? ;?
and the video is good.:P

Posted by: costa at May 20, 2009 11:20:47 AM

It's almost midnight, and I'm still working. I needed a 5-minute break so I stumbled on this site. Oh Wow! Thanks for the laugh! It made me feel good. Now I can go back to work.

Posted by: Chicago Translation at Oct 26, 2009 8:43:01 AM