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October 29, 2008
American Cheese
American Cheese with Barack, McCain, Biden & Palin. Printed with liquid photo emulsion on individual slices
Wasilla’s is all I saw Palin-dromed
The Palin Effect at TPM
Another good reason to wait until someone is dead before you start naming things after him or her
Election Prediction by Craig Shirley, a Reagan biographer: My prediction is that with Acorn's help, Obama will win 107 percent of the popular vote and 600 Electoral College votes. Just like other Socialist candidates around the world. I further predict that the Democrats first action will be issue a bounty on the heads of all Bushies---if conservatives don't do it first
Two of a kind (YT)
Obama 1961 birth announcement from Honolulu Advertiser. This Honolulu Advertiser announcement of Barack Obama's Aug 4, 1961 birth was published August 13, 1961 on page B-6. It is available only on microfilm in Hawaii libraries. It has never been posted online in spite of the extensive controversy over Obama's birth certificate. The announcement is 4th from the bottom of the left hand column. (From Wikileaks)
Hope - An intangible object within every American that is destroyed every four years in November. More definitions at the Election Glossary from The Onion
By the way, I’ve been getting tons of hits from StumbleUpon recently, but I have no idea where is the 'Stumble'. If you know where it is, please email me the link. Thanks
Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here
October 29, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink
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Can you tell the page that the stumbleupon folks are landing on? If so, it'd be pretty easy to look up the stumbleupon link.
Posted by: Dustin at Oct 29, 2008 12:35:30 AM
Hi Dustin, How you're doing? Long time, no talk....
Anyway, no, that's exactly what I was looking for, the "landing page"... The reference takes me back to the front page of Stumble...
Posted by: Hanan Levin at Oct 29, 2008 5:38:31 AM
This Honolulu Advertiser announcement of Barack Obama's Aug 4, 1961 birth was published August 13, 1961 on page B-6. It is available only on microfilm in Hawaii libraries. It has never been posted online...
I assume the unspoken condition is "by the Obama campaign". Looks like it was posted online back in July by TD Blog. (http://texasdarlin.wordpress.com/2008/07/23/obama-was-likely-born-in-hawaii/)
Posted by: Daniel at Oct 29, 2008 1:44:09 PM
I covet the rootin' tootin' clip of Tina. Where can I get it??
Posted by: Nancy at Nov 1, 2008 10:37:18 AM