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September 25, 2008
The illuminati games
Illuminati Card Game was invented in 1990 by Steven Jackson. The ‘game’ he had created ruffled quite a few feathers as he was promptly visited by the Secret Service who tried to shut him down and prevent the cards from being released. (From Anarchaia)
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Computer games invented by Jon Stewart for the 2008 election
Update: See comment by Allen Varney about Steve Jackson below.
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September 25, 2008 in Games | Permalink
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This is a gross distortion of the 1990 Secret Service raid on Steve Jackson Games, which had nothing to do with the Illuminati game. SJG was a collateral victim of the ill-advised nationwide "Operation Sun Devil" raid on members of the "Legion of Doom" hacker network -- one of whom happened to work at SJG in a non-hacking capacity. The Secret Service illegally seized SJG's computer equipment; Jackson sued; as cover for its error, the Secret Service tried to claim its target of interest was SJG's unpublished tabletop roleplaying game supplement, "GURPS Cyberpunk."
Eventually Jackson won his case. The activist group the Electronic Frontier Foundation was formed as a direct response to the illegal SS raid, and futurist Bruce Sterling wrote the nonfiction account "The Hacker Crackdown," which is widely available free on the web. Jackson's own summary of the case appears on his website, "SJ Games vs. the Secret Service": http://www.sjgames.com/SS/
Posted by: Allen Varney at Sep 25, 2008 4:42:51 AM
uuh i remember this game! it took forever to find it in here scandinavia, and main reason i ever wanted it was because i liked all kind of secret society stuff. unfortunately my copy of the game got into pretty bad shape during the years...
Posted by: gene at Jan 2, 2009 7:57:29 AM
Illuminati is a standalone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG), inspired by The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. The game has ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through sinister means, including legal, illegal, and even mystical. It was designed as a "tongue-in-cheek rather than serious" take on conspiracy theories. It contains groups named similarly to real world organizations, such as the Society for Creative Anarchism. It can be played by two to eight players. Depending on the number of players, a game can take between one and six hours.
Posted by: r4 kartes at Jul 2, 2009 2:19:13 AM