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September 28, 2008

Red Mark of Death

Red_mark Amsterdam, Antwerp, Athens, Berlin, Cairo, Dresden, Dublin, Geneva, Lisbon, London, Marseilles, Milan, Moscow, Rome, Seville, Toronto, and Warsaw … are all towns in Ohio

Red Mark of Death - Marks on condemned buildings throughout Buffalo, left by government workers. (Thank you, Tom Geller)

Grand Prismatic spring in Yellowstone National Park

Knitta please is a tag crew of anonymous rogue knitters who leave graffiti on monuments, utility poles, and other public items. Unlike traditional taggers, Knitta uses non-damaging materials, such as yarn and cloth.[1] The crew's mission is to make street art "a little more warm and fuzzy"

Sikh-Americans by Fiona Aboud

A guide to inexpensive Motels of Tucson, Arizona

Fried food at The LA County Fair

A Huge Depository of Unusual Stories about America Here

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September 28, 2008 in Americana | Permalink


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I love all your knit-links. I don't know how or why you get hold of these gems, but keep them coming please!
So glad, too, you didn't disappear as planned. Still lovin' growabrain.

Posted by: Julie at Sep 28, 2008 12:15:30 PM