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August 22, 2008

Faring poorly

Obama_gore_logo "In a potentially ominous sign for the presumptive Democratic nominee, a new poll shows Sen. Barack Obama trailing far behind GOP standard bearer Sen. John McCain among voters who identify themselves as racists.

Pundits and pollsters alike have wondered about the role racists might play in the 2008 presidential contest, but the new survey released today was the first concrete attempt to take the pulse of this key voting bloc.

The poll, conducted by Duh Magazine, suggests that Mr. Obama faces an uphill battle in his effort to win the votes of dyed-in-the-wool bigots..."

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From Technology Review - How Obama Really Did It: The social-networking strategy that took an obscure senator to the doors of the White House

7110 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, the former home of John & Cindy McCain:
Bedrooms: 9.
Bathrooms: 8.
Price: $12,000,000.
(From TMP)

Some Bush gif from an old Daily Kos post

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August 22, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink


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