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August 02, 2008

Late Bloomer

Late_bloomer ...I must admit, before meeting Tom, I had heard so many rumors and so much gossip that I was afraid. Frankly, his gambling debts, his animal magnetism, coupled with his disregard for the feelings of others... His elaborate gun collection, his mad shopping sprees, the facelifts, the ski trips, the drug busts and the hundreds of rooms in his home. The tax shelters, the public urination... I was nervous to meet the real man himself. Baggage and all. But I found him to be gentle, intelligent, open, bright, helpful, humorous, brave, audacious, loquacious, clean, and reverent. A Boy Scout, really (and a giant of a man). Join me now for a rare glimpse into the heart of Tom Waits...

Tom Waits Interviews Tom Waits

Also, 'It's perfect madness' - Tom Waits writes about his 20 most cherished albums of all time

(Photo of Tom Waits’ yearbook pix above from Uncertain Times)

Un-related perhaps: Lip Dub by Tambureddu. (Scroll down for other Must See Lip Dubs)

A Growing Depository of Unusual Links About Tom Waites Here

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August 2, 2008 in Music - Tom Waits_ | Permalink


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I saw Tom Waits in Paris just over a week ago. It was religious.

Posted by: Alex at Aug 3, 2008 11:59:08 AM