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August 09, 2008

A Glossary of Iraq Euphemisms

 Euphemism_2 Imagine you walk into an auto body shop where you left your car for a tune-up. You ask the man at the counter: When can I pick up my car? "Well," he replies, "I think that's a question best left to the discretion of the mechanics in the shop, don't you? After all, they're the ones hard at work fixing your car."

Wait, you say. Are you telling me you don't know when my car will be ready? I need to drive to -- "What I've always said," he interrupts, "is that setting an arbitrary deadline from the counter of this auto-body shop is the surest guarantee that your car will break down as soon as you drive it out of the shop. That won't just be a disaster for you, it will disrespect all the hard work the mechanics have been doing on your car."

You rub the bridge of your nose and ask: Can you even say how much this is going to cost me? "We think it's important to support our mechanics to the fullest. It would be irresponsible to speculate on the full price, since that's up to them, really, but having had a look at your finances, we're confident you can afford the total cost."

Also, 20 things I’ve stolen

(gif above from Phawker)

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August 9, 2008 in War in Iraq | Permalink


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The government doesn't need to give us a straight answer...at least that's what they believe.

Posted by: Joe the Dog Lover at Sep 4, 2008 1:57:35 PM