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May 13, 2008

Tired of high gas prices?

Water_fuel Convert Your Car to Run on Water and gas to save over 40% on fuel costs.

Another one from Ozzie Freedom, Water for Gas conversion kits. (It’s probably a multi-level deal. Thank you, Dean E.)

“Even if this car engine does run on water, where do you fill it up?”

Now-and-then photos of Italians who’s been driving the same cars for long periods of time

A Huge Depository of Unusual Car Links Here

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May 13, 2008 in Cars | Permalink


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I've got an old truck that I converted to run on propane. I have enough spare parts to convert another car. Some places out here such as feed stores sell propane at 2.75 per gallon. Regular unleaded was almost 4.00 bucks per gallon today. I think I may convert my old Saab for an experiment as a daily driver.

During WWII, people ran their cars on the filtered smoke from a low-oxygen wood fire.

Others run their diesels on old french-fry oil.

Human ingenuity will find a way to overcome almost any obstacle. That is a good thing since many obstacles and difficulties are on the way.

Posted by: Mumblix Grumph at May 14, 2008 2:51:36 AM

Run Car on Water is a new technology to allow you to run car on water by installing a conversion kit into your car. With the conversion kit, you are allow to convert water into hydrogen. So your car can run on fuel and hydrogen! Most of the users are saving 50% of the fuel cost with this new technology!

Posted by: Alan at May 28, 2008 8:29:55 AM

I think running your car on water is a great idea and one that may just get the oil monkey off our backs. I am getting ready to convert my 04 nissan maxima to a gas and water mix car. See how it goes ;).

Posted by: How To Run Your Car On Water at May 30, 2008 8:27:35 PM

My Lexus LS400 went from 19 to 30mpg. After I purchased Water4gas I was impressed with the design. Then when I purchased all of the parts the size of the hoses and lack of flow of the check valves concerned me. Being a Machine Designer as well as an Electro-Mechanical and Pneumatic assembler I took the liberty of redesigning the devise a bit. Anyway I already have the parts list specked out for these changes. I'll give them out for free.

Posted by: Michael H at Sep 12, 2008 7:47:59 AM