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May 25, 2008

One day I'll be bigger than the VW Beetle

Doctor_theo_pudding …Jesus 'Jesus' Christ was born Jeshua Evan Williams in Bethlehem, Carmarthenshire, in the year 0000. Although West Wales was suffering from industrial decline and high unemployment at the time, he was fortunate to have a stable background. Both his parents were employed, his father working as a ghost for the local council and his mother as a carpenter.

Born with a full head of hair, a luxuriant beard and a halo, it was clear from the outset that he was a special child. At school, his academic performance was average, but in reports by his teachers we find indicators of his later career, such as the occasion when he resurrected a box of frogs intended for dissection in O Level Biology, or when he disappeared for 40 days during a cross-country run

(By Dr Theophilus Pudding)

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May 25, 2008 in Jesus | Permalink


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Hahaha That's rich.. Space Jesus!!

Posted by: Jam at May 27, 2008 4:00:38 PM