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April 08, 2008

Re: Terrence Malick

Malick's first film Badlands (1973) is ostensibly a semi-factual account of a mass-murderer and his girlfriend, set in the 1950s. What's immediately unusual about the film is its lack of interest in trying to explain the causes of its protagonists' violent behaviors, and furthermore, its lack of moral judgment of these individuals or the culture that produced them. Instead the film's focus is concentrated on their experience of alienation from the world that they inhabit and its values

Although notoriously withdrawn from public life, friends have always remarked that Terrence Malick is a very warm and humble man who prefers to work without media intrusion. His contracts stipulate that no current photographs of him are to be taken, and he routinely declines requests for interviews. His only known public appearance was in October of 2007 for a conversation with film historians Antonio Monda and Mario Sesti as part of the Rome Film Festival...

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April 8, 2008 in Cinema - Directors | Permalink


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