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March 10, 2008

Jamaican Cocoa Tea

Yippie-Kay-Yay, America - John McClane for president, because John McClane will keep us safe from terrorists, like he always has

Portraits of Hillary by different artists


Presidential Pets (1959-2000)

Re-post from July 8, 2006: A list of controversies associated with Bush and his administration, sorted by 14 topics & 7 sub-categories. From wikipedia: "There are 175 pages in this section of this category..."

The biography of Cocoa Tea (above)

Update: Some words for Eliot Spitzer (NSFW)

Much more about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here

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March 10, 2008 in 2008 US Election | Permalink


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Thanks a lot for posting something about Cocoa Tea...Didn't know you like roots reggae (like me)...

Posted by: Alam at Mar 11, 2008 1:32:27 AM