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March 04, 2008

So lost and found

Lost_and_found Aerial view of a crowd filled Anaheim Stadium and surrounding area on its opening day April 9, 1966. (From Changing Times: Los Angeles in Photographs, 1920-1990. Found on Metafilter)

So lost and found, a gorgeous daily photo blog from Riverside by Bill Lindsay

My Two Visits to U2's Joshua Tree. A photo essay by Brad Biringer

Art cars and British muffins on wheels, at How Berkeley Can You Be 2007

Boy lands huge fishes

A Huge Depository of Unusual Links about Orange County and Riverside, California Here

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March 4, 2008 in Orange County, California, Riverside & Corona - California | Permalink


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Thanks Hanan for the post, I have a small blog that is for me to learn with and in one day my traffic went up 10 times the norm. As always, yours is one of my favorite blogs and I read everyday.

Posted by: Bill Lindsay at Mar 12, 2008 1:51:00 AM