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February 14, 2008
50 Nerdy Things to Do Before You Die
49. Get married on a replica of the starship Enterprise at the "Star Trek: Experience" in Las Vegas.
48. Be bold and take your action figures out of the box, value be damned!
36. Check out the computer labs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, future birthplace of HAL-9000.
29. Watch the sunset from inside the "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" dinosaur.
24. Witness a live space shuttle launch. Extra points if you're piloting it.
21. Kill a zombie.
44 Other Nerdy Things to Do Before You Die
100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups
A Huge Depository of Things to do before you die Here
February 14, 2008 in Things to do before you die | Permalink
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I've got sort of a funny list of things (not really "nerdy" though):
Posted by: Kevin at Jun 16, 2008 12:43:26 AM