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February 29, 2008

A red light over my head

Red_light Is Blogging Harder Than Writing A Book?

…I write the sports blog Deadspin.com, assembling more than 25 posts a day meant to enlighten, amuse and distract sports fans from the drudgery of their desk jobs. Every day, I write about 7,000 words; this means that every three weeks, I write the equivalent of an extremely long book. Sure, this book would be unreadable, and reviewers would certainly point out that none of the links went anywhere, but the word count would hold.

Recently, I wrote a real book, with words and pictures and a cover that will hurt you if you are struck across the head with it. It's an entirely separate enterprise from blogging, and not just because, when I finished a page, I didn't have people named CaptainCaveman and sexydogg1983 calling me an idiot. I wrote it in five months without taking a day off from the site….

(From Andrew Sullivan)

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February 29, 2008 in World of Blogging | Permalink


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I can totally relate to this post. I am the author of SEO Made Simple, a book that took me quite some time to write. However, it doesn't compare the time and effort required to manage my blogs. Maybe it's simply a sense of pride, but writing for the blog takes a much longer time.

One of the reasons why blog authoring is so difficult is because you're writing for a specific audience that interacts with you on a real-time basis. There's something much more important about being able to give daily commentary and feedback to current issues.

Posted by: Improve Search Engine Rankings at Jan 28, 2009 6:21:32 PM