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February 19, 2008

Rain Man

Rain_man_jualita The Wattles Estate, which was originally known as Jualita, is located at 1824 North Curson Avenue, Hollywood. It was built in 1907 by some wealthy Omaha, Nebraska banker. The sanatarium scenes in the film Rain Man were shot there

A visit to East LA’s Abandoned Linda Vista Hospital

Re-post: Los Angeles Time Machines, a site about the History of Los Angeles Metropolitan historic restaurants, historic bars, historic buildings and historic hotels from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s with a description of their history (movie palaces, motel signs, and remnants of Rt. 66 as well) - places like the Brown Derby Restaurant, Musso and Frank's, the Formosa Cafe, Miceli's Italian Restaurant and Canter's Deli

A Huge Depository of Unusual Los Angeles Links and Orange County Links Here

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February 19, 2008 in Los Angeles | Permalink


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