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December 01, 2007

Red Sox Special

Maternity_bike Amanda alive!

Belly Painter Maternity Portraits

Red Sox fan special

I nvr no wat 2 say on dis
But i guess i will giv it a try –
Lookin 4 da rite gurl....R u her? – 28. (From Michael Eades)

How to tell if a woman is crazy

Jeju Loveland is an outdoor sculpture park which opened in 2004 in South Korea. The park is focused on a theme of sex, running sex education films, and featuring 140 sculptures representing humans in various sexual positions. (NSFW, d'uh)

A collection of Crop Circles

A Huge Depository of Unusual Oddities and Crazy linkage Here

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December 1, 2007 in Odds & Ends | Permalink


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