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December 30, 2007
First person in a photograph
In 1838, a man made history by having his boots polished. He was the only thing standing still when Louis Daguerre took a photograph of a busy Parisian street. Because the film was exposed for 10 minutes, the rest of the traffic blurred into nothing — and the anonymous man became the first person ever to appear in a photograph
A photographic competition to mark World Alzheimer's Day
As part of his artistic statement, Thomas Hawk wants to take & publish 500,000 photographs before he dies. Here is his 17,000th photo uploaded to Zooomr
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December 30, 2007 in Photography | Permalink
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Thats a real interesting piece of information. Makes me want to blog about photography and its history. Happy New Year
Best Regards
Posted by: Rhine Stone at Dec 30, 2007 12:14:29 AM