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December 31, 2007

Childrens do learn

Baby_doll Personalized Rock Posters baby announcements by Rattle-N-Rock

Kids & Soap

Body magic! What’s wrong with kids nowadays?

Gallery of children painted by Norman Rockwell

How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight? This short survey will tell you approximately how many five year old children you could fight at once. Results are based on physical prowess, training, swarm-combating experience, and the flexibility of your moral compass

A list of child prodigies

A Huge Depository of Unusual Children Links Here

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December 31, 2007 in Kids | Permalink


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It said I could only take on 28-five year olds! I think I had at least 28 kids after me in my daughter's preschool and I don't remember getting hurt. :)

Posted by: dustin at Jan 1, 2008 10:09:42 PM