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November 29, 2007


Young_restless Aktuell by Yvonne Fehling and Jennie Peiz

The Young and the Restless upholstery fabrics

XKCD creator was thinking of getting a couch or something for his room, somewhere for guests to lounge around. He decided to make a ball pit in his room

Low energy light bulb at The Plumen project

Omega Steam Shower by Jacuzzi

A Huge Depository of Unusual Design Concepts Here

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November 29, 2007 in Home Decor | Permalink


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The sky blue furniture in the image really works for me - is it sky blue? The back of the bench is too upright though - looks uncomfortable.

Posted by: elementary desks at Jan 18, 2008 12:59:29 AM

They look kind of uncomfortable...I like the color though

Posted by: erica at Sep 16, 2008 10:50:55 AM