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October 12, 2007

107 year old blogger

Influential COACD, the blog of a casting director

Historic kite patents are a freely available source of inspiration and ideas with their own kind of aesthetic appeal. Expired patents are often great kite plans for the DIY kite builder. Kite patents blog. (From Endless Parade of Excellence)

Blogger Play, stream of images that were just uploaded to public Blogger blogs

66 Celebrities that Blog

The Life of Riley, the blog of the world's older blogger

NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers. No 1 according to the list - Nick Denton with an estimated wealth approximately $280m based on the sale of his previous companies and the current value of Gawker Media

A Huge Depository of Unusual blogs and bloggers Here

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October 12, 2007 in World of Blogging | Permalink


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