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October 25, 2007
Benny Lava
How To Use An Indian Toilet (with lots of comments)
India has the highest population of blind people in the world. Approximately one out of every four individuals who are blind live in India. The figure of those afflicted approaches ten million. Blindness In India
The iron pillar of Delhi is one of the world's foremost metallurgical curiosities, standing in the famous Qutb complex. The pillar—almost seven meters high and weighing more than six tons—was erected by Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (375-413). It is the only piece of the Hindu temple remaining, which stood there before being destroyed by Qutb-ud-din Aybak to build the Qutub Minar and Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque.
The pillar is made up of 98% wrought iron of pure quality, and is a testament to the high level of skill achieved by ancient Indian iron smiths in the extraction and processing of iron. The pillar is also one example of an out-of-place artifact (OOPArt)
Re-post: Bollywood song & dance, this time with sub-titles
India: A Kite's Eye - Kite aerial photography by Nicolas Chorier (Click on editions, go to “India”)
Viswanathan Anand, India's Great Chess Hope
A Huge Depository of Unusual Links about India And About Japan Here
October 25, 2007 in Traveling Places - India | Permalink
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That kite photography is great, particularly the beach ones - a much better height than normal aerial photography, more of an insect's eye view....
Posted by: Emma at Oct 25, 2007 6:42:31 AM
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