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October 21, 2007
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Windows Startup Sounds - 1.0 to 98 to ME to Vista watch. A piano composition incorporating the sound effects heard in Windows. A different Windows remix (All YT). To get embarrassed at a public library, press here. To disable, press here. Previously-posted I’m sure: Windows noises & Icon Wars
This page now shows up as #1 for "cancel google"
Google announced plans Friday to launch a new site, TheGoogle.com, to appeal to older adults not able to navigate the original website's single text field and two clearly marked buttons
Internet Allstars ‘01: Where are they now?
Happy Median - Enter your location and a friend's location and this site will tell you where you should meet
Date-O-Matic: Today's date in over 100 languages. (Thank you, Peter)
The Rat Pack are Reunited Again!
A Huge Depository of Unusual Things To Do On The Internet Here
October 21, 2007 in Internet | Permalink
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