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October 21, 2007

Cancel Google

Happy_median Windows Startup Sounds - 1.0 to 98 to ME to Vista watch. A piano composition incorporating the sound effects heard in Windows. A different Windows remix (All YT). To get embarrassed at a public library, press here. To disable, press here. Previously-posted I’m sure: Windows noises & Icon Wars

This page now shows up as #1 for "cancel google"

Google announced plans Friday to launch a new site, TheGoogle.com, to appeal to older adults not able to navigate the original website's single text field and two clearly marked buttons

The Forbes Web Celeb 25

Internet Allstars ‘01: Where are they now?

Happy Median - Enter your location and a friend's location and this site will tell you where you should meet

Definition of exuberance

Date-O-Matic: Today's date in over 100 languages. (Thank you, Peter)

The Rat Pack are Reunited Again!

A Huge Depository of Unusual Things To Do On The Internet Here

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October 21, 2007 in Internet | Permalink


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