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October 13, 2007
Last night I dreamt that I was walking on a winding path and suddenly there was a giant boulder in front of me, a really big rock. It felt as if it meant something significant & wonderful.
October 13, 2007 in Personal | Permalink
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Pretty cool story.
Posted by: Laurie Smashcan at Oct 14, 2007 10:34:04 AM
when i was a kid in the upper peninsula of michigan, we lived in a house that had a basement that was the archetype for every horror story ever written. there was an enormous coal-fired stove in the center with round tubes radiating from it's top that led to the nether regions of the house, supplying heat. behind it, and connecting to it by a giant screw auger was the coal bin. adjoining the coal bin was a walled room with a wooden door. inside the room was a giant boulder that was apparently too big to move when the basement was dug. the builder decided it should be enclosed in it's own room for a reason i've never fathomed. i used to invite my friends over to play in the basement and wait for them to ask what was behind the door. if they didn't, i would hint around a bit, adding to the mystery of it and when i opened the door, there it would be, the biggest rock anyone ever saw, nearly perfectly round, in it's own room with hardly enough room around it to toss in a cat. my friends were always dumbfounded by it, just as i am to this very day.
Posted by: thomas at Oct 14, 2007 5:16:46 PM
hmm.... some kind of milestone ? i woke up today and remembered dreaming about pastry !
Posted by: jo jo at Oct 15, 2007 10:42:51 AM