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September 20, 2007

The new Saddam

New_saddam So you’re about to be invaded by the United States? Here are some tips on what to expect and what you might want to do to prepare for the aftermath of the initial assault. Advice to Iranians

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Iraq 101

What’s in that Iraq Report Petraeus Delivered

Breaking the Iraq stalemate: “…There is no way for Bush to get out of this self-created box -- except by ratcheting up tensions with Iran and Syria in the hopes of provoking an accidentally-on-purpose regional war that would serve as a do-over for his entire misguided Middle East adventure…”

(Photo above from How George Bush became the new Saddam)

A Huge Depository of Stories about The War for Iran's Oil Here

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September 20, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink


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