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September 27, 2007
Countdown to Doom
Countdown timer to science fictional future events by Monochrom
Alan Weisman's new book The World Without Us. What would happen if our species are suddenly disappear. The slideshow 15,000 year tour of Manhattan. (From Phil Gyford)
The 1989 Oxford English Dictionary defines a time capsule as "a container used to store for posterity a selection of objects thought to be representative of life at a particular time." The International Time Capsule Society is an organization established in 1990 to promote the careful study of time capsules. Read about the 9 most wanted time capsules
A Huge Depository of Visions About The Future Here
September 27, 2007 in The Future | Permalink
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The World Without Us is extremely interesting. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Posted by: ML at Sep 28, 2007 5:34:59 AM