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August 27, 2007
Let them eat cakes
The Muppet Show Cake by Adam Newbold
Apple@30 cake cutting at DigiBarn Computer museum
Scotland is blissfully free of ageing populations. The Scots die young and don't cling on their pensions for decades like Japanese centenaires, sucking the blood of younger generations. What's their secret? The Scottish Diet, an age-old combination low in fresh fruits and vegetables and high in confectionery, fat enriched meat products, sweet and salty snacks accompanied by generous amounts of sugary drinks and alcohol.
One of the best example of this wonderfully nutritious diet is Scotland's National Dish, the Deep-Fried Mars Bar
The world's most expensive deserts at Forbes
A Huge Depository of Unusual Sweets and Unusual Chocolates Here
August 27, 2007 in Food - Desserts | Permalink
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