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July 15, 2007

Moon over Laguna

Morning_in_newport Why was the sub-prime mortgage lending industry clustered so disproportionately in Orange Country, California? Half of the biggest twenty sub-prime lenders in the U.S. are (or were) located in Orange Country. Was there some kind of deep cultural explanation for why such infamous lenders such as New Century Finance Corp. and Ameriquest chose the city of Irvine as their base of operations?

A swanky Newport Beach drug treatment facility, the Beau Monde, claims that Courtney Love spent three months there in late-2005 and has since ignored demands to pay her outstanding $181,000 tab

Andy's Truck Adventure. Andy Bussell had been living in his truck while studying at UC Fullerton, and have made it into a 23 months long affair

Notables from Fullerton, CA

I went down to Orange County yesterday, but I didn’t make it to Laguna Niguel. The police usually turn the other cheek for this public display of assets, and the two rules of thumb are: No alcohol or drugs, and show respect so the tradition can continue

/// A Huge Depository of Unusual Links about Orange County Here

July 15, 2007 in Orange County, California | Permalink


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