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July 19, 2007

Is Our Children Learning?

Baby_oil Catholic children books from the 50s

If olive oil is made from olives and corn oil is made from corn…What is baby oil made from

So you've gone and made a baby. In the last week two sets of friends have sent the joyous news that they’ve become new parents. Others readers are to follow in the next few months, so I thought it was time to compile some of our most useful parenting know-how into one easy-to-access pile. So to speak. To accommodate these new and soon-to-be parents’ sudden micro-attention spans, I’ve put it in the form of simple bulleted lists.

String Bikinis: Now Available for 1 year-olds

Baby VS lemon round 2

/// A Huge Depository of Unusual Children Links Here

July 19, 2007 in Kids | Permalink


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