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July 09, 2007

Holy Sushi

Tiny_blow_fish Calories in sushi

The First Church of Sushi - “It's like Scientology for Nerds”

Sushi instructions on flickr. (By ravengrrl)

The original sushi pillow

In search of the ultimate sushi experience, Nick Tosches plunges into the frenzy of the world's biggest seafood market—Tokyo's Tsukiji, where a bluefin tuna can fetch more than $170,000 at auction—and discovers the artistry between ocean and plate, as well as some fishy surprises

Is That Wasabi on Your Tie? Sushi Tie

Is the spread of sushi to middle-class American malls a good globalization story? Nashville Nigiri. Also, Fish tales

/// A Huge Depository of Unusual Sushi Links Here

July 9, 2007 in Food - Sushi | Permalink


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That would be great on nigiri sushi..lol

www.allsushirecipes.com //check it out... has some helpful sushi articles

Posted by: hamster763 at Dec 2, 2007 11:02:23 PM