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June 17, 2007
No stronger bond
There is no bond stronger than the leaf between trams, or something
Frank's Compulsive Guide to Postal Addresses
Walter Galler, a man of Jewish origins, married a non-Jewish woman. When he died in August 1939 in Swakopmund, South West Africa, on the eve of World War II, his wife knew that some sort of Hebrew inscription had to be placed on his tombstone. The only Hebrew she could find was on a box of matzah. She ordered the stone cutter to inscribe on the tombstone those words plus a Jewish star. The stone cutter, not knowing Hebrew, erroneously placed the words upside down on the tombstone. And so the stone was inscribed with a Jewish star and the Hebrew words for Kosher for Passover. (Scroll down for photo)
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June 17, 2007 in Odds & Ends | Permalink
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