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May 30, 2007


Smile_candid_camera The Turk was a chess-playing machine, an automaton of the late 18th century, which was later proved to be an illusionary hoax. Publicly promoted as an automaton and given its common name based on its appearance, the Turk was in fact a mechanical illusion that allowed a human chess master to hide inside and operate the machine

More of the same: Lords of the Drunk Sleeping Beauties

Phonebook Prank. Let this be a lesson to all college kids out there. Lock your doors when you go away

Smile! You're on candid camera

You’re Getting WHAT? Tattoo’ed WHERE? (NSFW)

Re-post: Car Crash Prank

/// Fark it /// A Huge Depository of Hilarious Pranks And Outrageous jokes Here

May 30, 2007 in Pranks | Permalink


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