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April 19, 2007
Happy Bicycle Day to all bicyclists
On April 19, 1943 Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann discovered the psychedelic effects of LSD
Sid Barrett tripping on mushrooms
MindLift TV- Hundreds of spiritual videos, travelogues and other material from the video archives of Kleurnet, MySTèR Media and Luc Sala. (Thank you, Nava Koresh)
Video above of the Israeli band Boom Pam with their proposal for a peaceful solution for the conflict in near east, from From Below
/// Fark it /// A Huge Depository of illegal drugs especially Acid and Marijuana Here
April 19, 2007 in Drugs - LSD | Permalink
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you know, I swore off hashish after watching midnight express years ago, but this video was very inspiring. I might have to reconsider. ;-) Good find.
Posted by: shaun mclane at Apr 19, 2007 2:04:18 PM
Bicycle Day hasn't gotten much press maybe we should do something about that. Next Bicycle day falls on a Saturday we should make an effort to have a special Critical Mass ride that day. I'm sure there are plenty of Massers who'd get into it.
PS - Found this on Wikipedia: Bicycle Day is the high holy day of a new religious movement called Matrixism.
Posted by: Bicycle Day at Sep 9, 2007 5:55:24 AM