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March 19, 2007
The twelve-year Reich
Some 1930’s editions of Mein Kampf for sale in South Dakota. Also there, Heinrich Hoffmann's book of photography, Youth with Hitler
Third Reich Eagles Remaining Today on Period Buildings
A tribute to Albert Speer's architecture
Swastika Ring on the hand of a man called Krishna, the owner of the 'Surya Swastika' Guesthouse in Pondicherry. (From Positive Swastikas flickr pool)
Hate On Display: A Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos
Famous people known to sport a toothbrush moustache
Hitler was building the Third Reich. What were Reichs One and Two?
The 1936 Olympics
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March 19, 2007 in The Holocaust | Permalink
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Thanks for the photo collection of German decorative eagles...I'm glad the people there are re-claiming the symbol from the nazi dipshits. It'll be a great day when we no longer are confused by the symbols that have been perverted and look at the motives that cause us to twist what we see into something ugly. The swastica, aside from being a very interesting design from a graphic point of view, has symbolic meaning far predating the modern social progressive's appropriating it.
Posted by: doug at Mar 20, 2007 5:53:52 AM