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February 02, 2007

Space Vacuum

Fires_in_asia To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Apollo 12 mission to the moon, the astronauts Conrad, Gordon and Bean commissioned a comic book drawn by the fabled Alfredo Alcala to get across their experiences to a wider audience. (Thank you, Avi)

Apollo 15 Astronaut Dropping a Feather and a Hammer on the Surface of the Moon. (YouTube)

More: On the most recent STS-116 Discovery mission, Astronaut Loses Camera in Space

Cat’s Eye Nebula. (Click on pix to biggify)

Re-post: Apollo landing Locations at Google Moon

I documenti del processo di Galileo Galilei – The original documents on the trial of Galileo Galilei in the Vatican Secret Archives

Russell W. Porter's Pencil Sketches of Palomar Observatory

Carl Sagan with a model of the Viking lander

Eating in space

Picture above of Fires in Southeast Asia from Earth Observatory

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February 2, 2007 in Space | Permalink


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