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January 19, 2007

Shrooms can be fun

Happy_mushroom Fake Marijuana Plant - One form of marijuana you can proudly flaunt without ever getting arrested

The Urban Grower is the only Internet show that tells you how to harvest two pounds or more per light. You'll learn how to produce the biggest, juiciest yields you've ever seen

A map of international marijuana laws. (From Look at This)

A brief history of the criminalization of cannabis: Why is Marijuana Illegal?

Spiders On Drugs (YouTube). In the 1960s, Dr. Peter Witt gave drugs to spiders and observed their effects on web building. This short film about the results of the experiment was created by First Church Of Christ, Filmmaker. Andrew Struthers tells the story of how this movie became a web-hit

How to grow magic mushrooms

One mother shares the advice she offered her son on drugs before he entered high school. Eight years later, as a college graduate, he tells how successful the advice was. A Frank Mother-Son Conversation on Drugs

“Mints, mints, mints” and other helpful tips for the Employed Urban Potsmoker

Fantasia? Live at Pompeii? Koyaanisqatsi? What are the best films to see while tripping?

North Dakota Farmer is First to Apply for State License to Grow Industrial Hemp

Pot Dealers Peddle Sugar High

* * Unrelated: Animation of the act of unrolling a circle's circumference, illustrating the ratio π is tomorrow’s wikipedia’s featured picture of the day * *

/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// A Huge Depository of many illegal drugs especially Acid and Pot Here

January 19, 2007 in Drugs - "Save the Roaches, Arnie" | Permalink


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